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  1. N

    So it began

    Yep me to, I apiguard in Aug/Sept then OA trickle December. That's what I have been shown to do, I am sure I will be shot down shortly ;) But from reading this forum am thinking of vapourising in future - but just in Aug/Sept
  2. N

    So it began

    Thank you Amari. So any old OA crystals such as: How much do you use? Just fill the tray? Or use the same amount as Api-Bloxal says to use?
  3. N

    So it began

    I don't currently vapourise but this varrox looks like a good bit of kit and easy to use. What do you use in it, Api-Bloxal or something else? Currently I get OA solution from my association and a syringe, they give as much as you need for your hives at £1 per beekeeper - but obviously that...
  4. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Well done!! :party:
  5. N

    Maisemore sale

    Waiting is not the problem for me, its the lack of communication that is frustrating. I do accept that this is their big sale of the year and we have COVID to deal with too.
  6. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    320 nucs! You are not small time are you! Your shortfall is about treble what I intend to have total ha-ha
  7. N

    Hello everyone (AKA another unoriginal intro title)

    I think some associations are a bit reluctant to give too much info 'over the phone' to non / new beekeepers because they do not really want to encourage people without basic training to keep bees. I can see both sides of this and get where they are coming from, I know our association get...
  8. N

    Maisemore sale

    Still waiting here. I rang them to ask about timescale ( and made clear I wasn't complaining) and they said up to 3 weeks still so seeing as I am out of supers it looks like I will be popping on a couple of brood boxes and using them as supers for the rest of the season - I don't expect much...
  9. N

    Nuc Prices

    Indeed, maybe I give the general population too much credit.
  10. N

    Maisemore sale

    I get all mine from Simon the beekeeper. No complaints here. Just a tip - if you are only buying a few bits I buy from his ebay store as it works out cheaper than going direct to his website.
  11. N

    Maisemore sale

  12. N

    Nuc Prices

    It is a good set up. What happens is we have some members donate hives of bees, they then get their hive back with new frames/comb. When I did it they then split the hive into two or three nucs for the newbies and let queens be produced in those nucs. I think that now we have a few members...
  13. N

    Nuc Prices

    Are you in your local association? My association runs a beginners course - for free - and following that classroom training they offer a 'rent a hive'scheme. Basically you pay £10 and are given a nuc of bees to look after at the association apiary for the season - with a mentor, if you decide...
  14. N

    Maisemore sale

    I hate you all :)
  15. N

    Maisemore sale

    I ordered on 26th, no comms, no confirmation email - but they did manage to take the money.... I gave them a call and they said they are currently working on a three week turnaround.
  16. N

    Maisemore sale

    They look really good. Where do you source your mesh from? I have looked on ebay but am not convinced with the quality of some of it so have held back on it so far.
  17. N

    Mistake of the week!

    Not agreeing or disagreeing with queen clipping but that's hardly a like for like comparison .
  18. N

    Hello all,,, Newbee here...

    I 'tried' to watch it because so many people in work were watching it and going on about it. I think I lasted about as long as you. A truly terrible programme - friendly warning - don't bother with naked attraction either!
  19. N

    beekeeping professionally

    Thanks wooden beam, appreciate the feedback.
  20. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I checked on one of my apiaries today and found that the the new nuc that I placed a mated queen in has accepted her as I can see her happily wondering around. The nuc I moved into a hive a week ago is building brace comb above the crown board so I have filled the brood box with foundation so...