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  1. thorn

    Guards - different buzz?

    Those who are positively aggressive do have a different buzz.
  2. thorn

    Triple swarming hive

    And they'll have a feast before they go. Hence the OP only getting about a super of honey per hive.
  3. thorn

    Honey price 2024

    That's 2.472kg. But for how much?
  4. thorn

    LimeWatch UK

    Not opening in Leeds yet
  5. thorn

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Cursed. I did a demaree last week. Went back today to knock down queen cells, to find that somehow, after marking the queen I put her in the wrong box.
  6. thorn

    Advice for pricing please.

    Leeds, West Yorkshire. Check the price of English honey in your local supermarkets and match them.
  7. thorn

    Advice for pricing please.

    For the last couple of years I've sold at £6 for a 340g jar, or £5 for those taking 10 or more. This year I'll go up to £7/£6.
  8. thorn

    A slightly surreal conversation

    Probably teachers. Doctors rate them as the worst patients and lawyers as the worst clients for the reasons you give.
  9. thorn

    Hi we are a husband and wife just starting our 2nd season of beekeeping in Wetherby west Yorkshire

    Like Dani says, go knocking on doors. I found myself apiaries by doing just that in Thorner and Shadwell, both within your 19 mile radius. You'll doubtless be able to find somewhere very much closer to home.
  10. thorn

    Affordable bee suit

    I prefer a jacket and thick jeans to a suit. However, this morning I found myself sharing the hood with two bees. Fortunately they came from a very calm colony and allowed me to take my jacket off without stinging me. I suspect they came in from the hem. The jacket has a drawstring but this...
  11. thorn

    Strimming around the hives

    Me too, usually before inspecting, and I never close up the hives.
  12. thorn

    Extracting previously vaped frames?

    Yes, the USA is famed for its food safety standards.
  13. thorn

    Desperately seeking help!

    You seem rather dismissive of or blind to the problems that someone living next to a beekeeper can face if that beekeeper doesn't give a damn. And I say that as someone who has three hives in his garden. The OP has a right to quiet enjoyment of his garden
  14. thorn

    Desperately seeking help!

    A solicitor would probably recommend mediation as a first step. And some local authorities offer or used to offer a mediation service.
  15. thorn

    Desperately seeking help!

    If you have legal expenses insurance attached to your household policy, activate it and get advice from a solicitor.
  16. thorn

    Affordable prewired assembled frames?

    Is there any reason these frames can't be put through a steamer and the wax replaced?
  17. thorn

    Landowner not giving me access to my out-apiary

    No, it was the small claims track of the county court, abbreviated to small claims court in common parlance.
  18. thorn

    Landowner not giving me access to my out-apiary

    Had I been advising you in a legal capacity I would have asked how the hives are accessed. If they can be reached without causing damage, say by climbing over a gate, I would have suggested writing to the landowner asking for access to retrieve your property at a set time. If he did not come...
  19. thorn

    I’m on my way!

    This time next year....
  20. thorn

    I’m on my way!

    I think you've missed the pirate's point.