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  1. N

    Need Suggestions For Packaging

    logo, artwork, writing etc will generally be copyrighted if present.
  2. N

    Poor Queens

    Same subspecies but evolved differently, what is left of them, mostly European genetics from the study they did and some pockets of native Irish bees, their DNA is different to the mainland UK and European subspecies, not a lot but different, if you consider the difference in dna between a pig...
  3. N

    Poor Queens

    Importing foreign bees is fine it just depends on their colour. Don't hear anyone complain about AMM imports from Ireland yet the Irish Sea flooded the same time as the channel and the DNA is different mostly European due to imports. Thousands of colonies were imported from Europe into mainland...
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    Poor Queens

    The facts change to suit the argument. How can you reason with that? Strange how there is always efb where ever people rant about natives being so good. What did the main man say during a trip to devon and cornwall. " I haven't seen any native bees yet" upset some long standing members that now...
  5. N

    Do honey bees learn behaviour ?

    yes is the simple answer, they do learn behaviour.
  6. N

    Poor Queens

    Didn't the DNA results from Cornwall show mostly Carniolan mongrels down there?
  7. N

    Amm / Native Black Bee Discussion

    Nice comb. isn't one of the traits of AMM raised cappings?
  8. N

    Some days I should not get up...

    When you start pricing things up the insurance may seem a better option.
  9. N

    Poor Queens

    Queens that have been banked or caged for a long period have stopped laying. It takes them a while to get going when released, this delay and the declining brood pheromone ( if you have left them queenless for a while like some recommend :rolleyes:) leads to the bees assuming she is a dud or...
  10. N

    Poor Queens

    Introducing queens that have been in the postal system or banked for a while is a pain in the rear end and generally ends badly unless you know what you're doing. Another thing is what type of bee do you have? If your changing the subspecies that adds another layer of problems or it can with...
  11. N

    RSPCA & Bees

    She doesn't generally mince her words and has a real low tolerance for fools. It wouldn't be practical for the RSPCA to be involved in beekeeping for many reasons. But bees are the only animal people can keep and there are no consequences for neglect or ignorance other than financial loss. Is...
  12. N

    RSPCA & Bees

    I get Celia's point. She cares deeply about bees. A lot of bees are lost either through neglect or ignorance. If for instance, someone's cat, dog, horse, etc starved to death then that would raise questions. Yet thousands of bee colonies die each year, some aren't avoidable but a lot could...
  13. N

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Nothing, still extracting the bloody honey.
  14. N

    Best time to unite?

    In the evening. it saves fighting at the entrance.
  15. N

    Soft-set seed and blended honey

    I use my own Osr honey it doesn't need seeding.
  16. N

    Angry colonies yesterday before thunderstorm

    They know it's gonna rain before we do. Atmospheric pressure and weather has an impact on their behaviour. To us it's a thunderstorm to them it is a life threatening event. You know it's gonna rain and someone takes the roof off your house... They have 1 way of saying bugger off.
  17. N

    Will mites become resistant to oxalic acid?

    Some of that can be others using Apiguard. It is a repellant that's why it should be used on all colonies at the same time.
  18. N

    Will mites become resistant to oxalic acid?

    As i understand it the Oxalic Acid works in a few ways. Because varroa have wet mouthparts and wet sticky pads on their feet those are the two primary ways the OA kills the mites, when exposed to moisture it becomes acid and burns their feet and mouthparts. This kills the mites by either blood...
  19. N

    Air in honey

    I use a brew belt around the settling tank (only 100 ltr tank). Normally gets the honey air free in 24 to 48 hours. Cold honey holds the air bubbles longer. Also if hand jarring let the honey run down the side of the jar when filling, this can reduce air bubbles. Small air bubbles can be removed...
  20. N

    Heather Honey and Screw Press

    I was told by a beefarmer it turns the heather honey black.