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  1. polymath

    Sold Stainless steel trays - drip tray in extraction room?

    Yes please not sure how to DM you, my email is *** would love just one if possible.
  2. polymath

    Accepting credit / debit card payments for Honey.

    They can work with multiple phones, however, what is called SoftPos - google it, or Pin on Glass is coming. This will do away with the separate unit. Expect most to launch late this year early next. With that you can have a single account anyone can log in and thus accept payments.
  3. polymath

    equipment price arbitrage between Greece and UK

    Any imports to the UK would be subject to 20% VAT
  4. polymath


    If EFB is in your area the first question is have you been notified by bee base. If yes then you are likely to get a visit from the SBI, if that is planned wait until after ideally, then you really know you are clear. You say they are in the clear, then yes you can go ahead and extract as...
  5. polymath

    Colony in felled tree.

    done it loads of times. You need chain saw, ideally steel or plastic splitters/wedges, empty frames, elastic bands, board, knife first you need to try and work out what direction the comb is in. ideally you want to cut in line i.e. not at 90 degrees to the comb. This way as you go through if...
  6. polymath

    Sole Trader/Tax question.....

    Simple the first article covers this in that if sales are over £1k you need to declare.
  7. polymath

    Sole Trader/Tax question.....

    thank you and appreciate it.
  8. polymath

    Swarm captured -cant find queen

    Never even bother looking for them until i can see eggs.
  9. polymath

    Sole Trader/Tax question.....

    Here are two articles i wrote for Bee Craft, the original versions were updated by me last year but not published so i have attached them here.
  10. polymath

    Hive monitors

    Hi all I am looking for any recent experience, particularly in the UK with hive monitoring systems. Thanks I am looking in particular at weight monitoring and what the cheapest GSM solution would be now on the market, thanks.
  11. polymath

    Chronic bee paralysis virus

    Have to be say I think it is MAD to take a floor off. Has no one ever thought about robbing. It would seem far more sensible if you want room for dead bees to fall to put an empty super under the brood to give extra space. But taking away the floor would seem to me to be an invitation for...
  12. polymath

    honey price update

    However remember branding, people want local honey and will pay more for it. So don't brand honey with a county, brand it with a town or village, it will sell higher.
  13. polymath

    honey price update

    Crazy prices, i can sell my honey two or three times over i.e. demand is greater than supply and so it is for most beekeepers. I wholesale at £4.75 they retail at £6/£6.25 per 8oz jar hex. Don't underprice and associations putting out honey prices like that should be shot. This year our...
  14. polymath

    Importing stingless bees from outside EU

    Here is a Pic from Malaysia you also get them in Laos you have to use a needle there to inject or rather pull out the honey quite bitter, only forage circa 500m They would be classed as any other bee imports are and thus packages are no longer allowed, queens need to be inspected but given...
  15. polymath

    Sold Moving house from Surrey - kit available

    Suggest you also advertise through your local division.
  16. polymath

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    You need more than one, ideally one in the bee suit and one near by where your apiary is as you may need two pens to be injected.
  17. polymath

    Angry bees!!!

    Okay not seen any response saying how to handle this. So here goes. Go back and put a stand 5 - 10 metres away. Then place the brood box on this stand with the entrance facing away from where it was. Then put an empty super on a new floor with a roof where the old box was. Leave for at least...
  18. polymath

    Pound Jars or 12 oz

  19. polymath

    Cell punching

    As i have not purchased does it recommend cover cell punching. My gut feel is not as the BBKA is blinkered against cell punching for some reason and likes grafting or miller etc. Do tell does it cover off anything on cell punching.
  20. polymath

    Do I really have so many drones?

    or trying to spread disease.