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  1. polymath

    Gasvap alternative

    Admit i have to use this year for first time, but made these caps to make handling easier.
  2. polymath

    Oxalic Acid

    not i believe since his original research he did.
  3. polymath

    Autumn Varroa treatment

    Not the right time for OA as to be really effective you need it to be broodless. if not then it offers a slight knockback but not a knockout.
  4. polymath

    Oxalic Acid

    UK VMD approval is once a year. Of course i could never recommend more, but would highlight that the research done by Ratnieks at LASI was two treatments 5 - 10 day apart for maximum effect and that in the US where there is no broodless period that i have heard of four treatments being done...
  5. polymath

    bees refusing to leave the super for clearing

    Overnight ports, eight way clearers in 4 hrs though
  6. polymath

    Oxalic acid fogger/atomiser

    have used two wands with a leisure battery for years, just bought a Gasvap so that will be my next upgrade but for 15 hives.
  7. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    Thanks will wait to see pictures but from the look of the one shot their adjustment is like the chinese on the inside where the honey is, not a good idea
  8. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    Okay some of the team here at Weybridge Beekeeping Association have been doing some testing, there are considerations of which the key one is does the roller uncapper leave more wax and thus weight on the frame than using an uncapping fork. Anyway i publish here for anyone to view. The one...
  9. polymath

    Cut comb half filled

    How do you apply this, do you spray it on every frame?
  10. polymath

    Cut comb half filled

    That i understand but it applies to all comb not just cut comb so wondered why it was referenced in particular to wet comb. Okay thanks.
  11. polymath

    Cut comb half filled

    Why better stored wet, i store all mine dry. I would also add though do not spin at the same speed you would do wired, they often blow out you need to spin at lower speeds. I reckon i get 50% of what I put in usable as cut comb and the rest not capped so gets extracted and frames used the...
  12. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    here is another at roughly that price: I think for me running circa 20 hives a brush uncapper apart from the money is also the space, although this one is not too bad. The rollers to me thus at circa £300 are a more reasonable price...
  13. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    bottom line is space to store it or even anything more.
  14. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    9 frame electric, honestly i could run two 9 frame extractors now and still keep up with uncapping. That much difference in speed. For some frames where it was not straight the curvy ones i found as i pulled it out i could look and if it had not uncapped lean it towards that side push back...
  15. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    @Martin and just to clarify I use 9/10/11 boxes. Even on the 9 I found a single O ring did not exert enough pressure. Today I will be doing 11 frame brood boxes will report back after those.
  16. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    I think his summary, but he may check what i have written is he thinks he is as quick with a knife, but then he has done it for 50 years. That was his main feedback with me. As a relatively newby I do believe it saves time, expecially where you have a batch of relatively straight combs of...
  17. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    Taking my lunch break from extracting so thought i would answer some of the points raised. 1 What is the practical difference, if the frames are the same size? You need to make it deeper to accommodate brood as well as super i.e. when you push down you need the depth. 2 How did you attach the...
  18. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    @Martin Godet Kindly came around yesterday to demo it. Well, i have just purchased. It truly is amazing i reckon it will save 30% plus on time, in fact i have a 9 frame electric radial - uncapping used to be the pinch point - no more. I need a bigger extractor I can uncap faster than i can...
  19. polymath

    Extraction cut off date?

    When the main flow was end of june early july it would be mid end of august, this year as with last year main flow was mid June in Surrey, so I will take off this weekend so I can treat earlier, that leaves them all the ivy and a good chunk of Himalyan Balsam as i take of all supers and run as 2...
  20. polymath

    The National Uncapper

    Thanks he said he was also doing some others though showing frames maybe not quite as even that is my concern and also from say a 10 frame box where much fatter.