No they won't unless the colony was already in swarm mode and had made swarm cells. There is no mention in the OP that these were about to swarm.
@Bluetractorman if you don't remove your old caged queen from the box they will not make any Qcs as they are not Q-. When you add a frame of brood...
The OP is not asking about cross breeding, simply if they get get along living next to each other.....I am ok with my neighbours so long as they don't enter my property🤣
Already done 3 demaree on hives with 10 frames of brood. Got another one which has filled 19 frames with bias. Looks as if I will need to demaree the dble brood in a week or so!
I have also finished all the uniting, will check if it worked this weekend.
I have started doing that with the worst ones and considering doing it with the others. My hourly rate is more than what you pay for 50 DN4 + 50 foundation in the sales.
I like the idea of the steamer but it's another piece of kit which will need storage space which is also at a premium here...
Has anyone found a cheap, ingenious, and painless way of removing old wax from frames? I have around 80 frames but can't face the painful task of doing them 1 by 1 by hand. Does a wallpaper steamer produces hot enough steam to melt them? Thanks
Any of you have his number please? Lost all my numbers (including Rob) with my phone 2 years ago ... I wonder if he has updated payment methods, I kept telling Ricky he was the last person in Wales asking for cheques 😂
The original one by @jenkinsbrynmair has a Qx to allow bees to pass through. I put mesh over that when I do a vertical split. I am sure JBM has posted photos of these but can't find them. He is tagged to this message so will pick it up...when he gets out of bed 🤣
Sorry if it has been covered in the other 19 responses but I don't see the logic in what you have done. You either split equally in 2 nucs or hives with 1 QC in each or you leave them in the same hive and leave only 1 Qc (opened one) and come back in another 4 days to remove any new ones they...
Yes, I use it. B+ had shared a video and they used it within. Will try to find it on YouTube.
You must put the supers above the bottom
box though not the top box as all your flyers go back to the original box down the bottom and carry on gathering.
My set up is as follows: new BB with 1...
Last year I said I was going to cut down and today I have set up a new apiary. When will I learn!!
I have moved hives and nucs around and done 80% of my uniting. I had around 15 nucs going through the winter which I wanted to use to clear out poor stock.