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  1. Dodge

    Thoughts on Mead as a drink.

    Following on from the recently started "Making Mead as another hobby" thread I thought i would pose a question to our forum community. I have, for a few years, posed the below question to Mead class Exhibiters and Judges at Honey Shows. Q: If Mead was any good as a drink you would be able to...
  2. Dodge

    Predator mites against varroa?

    I was thinking about Cane Toads.
  3. Dodge

    Bee poo on house windows and cars

    My car gets covered in bee poo but my neighbours a few meters away rarely gets a mark. Once damp it wipes off or a finger nail will remove it.
  4. Dodge

    Comb storage

    I would be concerned about the newspaper. Frames and wax will contain food for human consumption, I would be concerned about the cleanliness of the paper and also exactly what chemicals are used to bleach the paper pulp and also what exactly is in the Ink of the print especially of it's going...
  5. Dodge

    Soft Set Consistency

    For showing, a honey show judge has told me try to avoid the white colour with softset as some judges have been known (wrongly) to assume it's pure oil seed **** and not even bother looking at it.
  6. Dodge

    Honey price

    That's not a bad idea. Although indonlike glass as it's near enough a closed recycling system.
  7. Dodge

    Could it get any worse after the wax moth saga???

    Well, this afternoon my wife was busy melting wax and filtering it using the induction hobs. I now need to scrape a few pns of wax off the laminate floor and other places tomorrow.
  8. Dodge

    honey price update

    So what happens when it is reported on FB? Surely this happens all the time with any product containing animals derivatives? What gets me is that the people who complain probably eat sweetners either natural or artificial that have had more bees and insects killed by the staff at prcesessors...
  9. Dodge


    Ratchet strap ymin the side, of Paynes and Maismore. A small pice of wood can also be used to spread any load under the metal components too.
  10. Dodge

    questionable teaching or not?

    How do you spray it onto the frames, is it technically legal to spray onto items that will be used for the human food chain?
  11. Dodge

    Dearth of nectar

    Really wish someone could come up with a hive scale that will connect via a sim card or WiFi and is say £50 so not insanely expensive. Would be fascinating to see how the weight changes and would be interesting to see when an actual flow is on or not on.
  12. Dodge

    questionable teaching or not?

    I wonder if you have hit the nail on the head. Is this association one that is effectively BIBBA obsessed; they want as pure to AMM (British Black bee) as possible. To me a branch appiary is a training appiary, it should teach best practice and have a good range of examples of different hives /...
  13. Dodge


    They attract if they don't trap the wasp that finds it. If a wasp gets away it tells its sisters where your appiary is.
  14. Dodge


    Seriously tempted to buy electric auto weighing for my hive at home to see if when the hive puts on weight it us humid, first thing in the morning etc to see how the lime harvest goes. Can't afford the equipment with the uncertain in the economy however; tightening our belts and putting the...
  15. Dodge

    LimeWatch UK

    Fickle stuff isn't it. Nectar evaporates off quickly. As soon as the bees start to fly is the best time to see if it's productive for bees.
  16. Dodge

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    On Holiday in Oban. Lime is budding but not open. Brambles have the odd flower open whilst in the corner of the harbour there are about 5 Himalayen Balsam plants busy flowering.
  17. Dodge

    Sole Trader/Tax question.....

    I have come across this help before but it always seems to not cover the average person as it seems to aways explain it from the perspective of a business owner / self employed already. What would be useful is how or what to do if. You are employed and paid through payee. Income is below tax...
  18. Dodge

    Add super or brood box

    Don't forget that a super is only the size for convenience i.e it's not too heavy to lift. We use a brood box as brood is a lot lighter than stores and a typical brood nest would overwhelm an national sized super. There is nothing in theory to stop you from using exclusively supers or brood...
  19. Dodge

    LimeWatch UK

    Lime in Shirley, Solihull have now come into flower. Fingers crossed for a good harvest.
  20. Dodge

    Play cups

    Any amount of royal jelly and they intend to turn it into a queen cell and progress it.