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  1. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Released the caps on the bee cage on psycho hive, they'd created loads of emergency cells!!!!! Not happy at all with us going in at all. United two hives with newspaper and a queen excluder. Supers on all five hives dry. Called to a swarm in penarth. Lovely bees but no room at ours so passed...
  2. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Ah right, when do you make the call to know it's definitely queenless !!!!
  3. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    We have the same with one of ours, can't find a queen, no eggs but they fan like mad when we go in, was going to unite but worried there's a queen somewhere in there but can't spot her!!!!
  4. Nannysbees

    Latest from Defra on YLH

    That's a picture for nightmares!!!
  5. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    I sow phacelia every year creates really pretty purple pollen
  6. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went through our double brood, packed with bees ,feisty hive today. Dispatched the queen last Friday. Took out quite a few charged cells after shaking all the frames, lucky as we'd have easily missed cells. Put the caged queen in between the two boxes, clip closed, just to give them a chance to...
  7. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    This has popped up haven't a clue what it is
  8. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I'll check on that!!!!
  9. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    We did tell him at the time of handover but I'm not convinced he did!!!!!! They were a lovely big swarm, very light colour
  10. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    The chap we gave the lovely big swarm to returned our nuc box and frames to say that he put the box wherever he put the box and when he returned all the bees had gone even though the queen had laid eggs on the drawn comb which was also returned to us!!!!!! Very disappointing as it was a tricky...
  11. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Picked up a swarm today and passed it on, tempted to keep them but didn't.
  12. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Scabious, love this little flower, keeps giving blooms late into the summer
  13. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Blinking disaster of an inspection!!!! Last year's super hive dry and two bees dead with tongues out, took off the super and gave them syrup!!!!!!!!! Winnie the feisty hive, loads and loads of drones and supercedure cells, but have been concerned about the temperament for ages, so decided to...
  14. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Sprayed with Dipel on desperation and ordered nematodes, removed the two huge box balls, they were infested and going to use the nematodes on the lower hedges and pray to god it works, otherwise they'll have to be dug up as well
  15. Nannysbees

    Your oldest queen?

    That's interesting, bought in new ones?
  16. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Oh god really these specimens are huge I've had them for years!!
  17. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Anyone had any issues with caterpillar infestation in a buxus plant?
  18. Nannysbees

    I was wondering - those with two/three hives, do you split or just demaree?

    Really difficult, our ideal is four, initially I wanted to keep to three!!!! We have five and a split this year. I definitely intend to combine before the winter. Also I think we mistook succeeding for a swarm, school boy error.
  19. Nannysbees

    Your oldest queen?

    That's got to be some kind of record!!!
  20. Nannysbees

    Your oldest queen?

    It's our fourth year of beekeeping. We don't seem to have been able to keep our queens for more than a year, going into the second spring they seem to supercede!!! Just wondering what is the longest time you've kept a queen? I have heard some Beekeepers change their queens yearly?