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  1. Nannysbees

    Apiary vandalism / animal rights

    Excellent YouTube live question and answer session from Laurence yesterday. Picked up quite a few tips.
  2. Nannysbees

    Hive survival over winter

    At the moment all five colonies out and about when the sun briefly shines!!!! Had four hives all flying going into spring last year, we were delighted until the first inspection, two of those were drone laying, never know what's going on until inspection.
  3. Nannysbees

    Side benefits

    We had two colonies that had really bad chalkbrood. Advice from the forum said to wait to see if it sorted itself out. One of the hives needed to be requeened, no problem after, the other improved with no action needed
  4. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    First cut for the lawns and the apiary, highest setting as grass was longer than I've ever seen it!!!!
  5. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Can see quite a few cappings on the floors under the hives, itching to get in and see what's happening but I won't
  6. Nannysbees

    Apiary vandalism / animal rights

    Looked pretty genuine to me, even the concrete hive was smashed to bits as well as some expensive kit. Didn't even enter my mind that this video wasn't genuine!!!!
  7. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Bit chilly but sun is out. All five hives flying. Skimmia seems to be popular.
  8. Nannysbees

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Wow!!!! I'm going to try to do that, sow in trays and transplant out.
  9. Nannysbees

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    I thought beetroot had to go straight into the ground?
  10. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    You have a schnauzer 😍
  11. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I think I might do that, peace of mind
  12. Nannysbees

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Ok to grow in tubs?
  13. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Hefted two of the hives that have eaten their fondant, one weighed 11kg the other 12kg. Used a digital scales lifting the back end of the hive, difficult decision, add fondant or not 🤔
  14. Nannysbees

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    I'm hopeless at growing beetroot, any tips?
  15. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked the fondant, two of the hives consumed all, just an empty packet in each. Going to heft before I add any more. One untouched, three working their way through.
  16. Nannysbees

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Also got carrots, lettuce, basil, cosmos, cornflowers,Busy Lizzie's and mesembryanthemums all under £1 each. Brilliant
  17. Nannysbees

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Yes I've cleaned them out of wild flowers seeds, absolutely delighted.
  18. Nannysbees

    Forecast for the season

    I wonder if we'll have a really good spring harvest but not so good summer like last year!!!!
  19. Nannysbees

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Just watched, lovely buzz as I walked down the garden path, quite a few queen bumbles warming and foraging on the crocus
  20. Nannysbees

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Would like to get a Mahonia, any recommendations?