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  1. B

    Buckfast F2 .... are they as bad as I'm reading about on the web??

    Why does everybody forget that Buckfasts are mongrels from the outset. They are a created bee. According to a quick internet search they have genes from A. m. cypria, A. m. carnica, A. m. cecropia, A. m. meda (Iraqi and Iranian strains), A. m. sahariensis, A. m. anatoliaca (Turkish and...
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    Common hive smell

    Yes it should work OK
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    Amazing series of films about skep beekeeping in Germany

    Laari laari laa. Grandpa gets a mole. Echoes of sweet Finnish country.
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    LimeWatch UK

    My lime trees have a real honey flow this year. I keep hearing this loud buzzing noise and SWMBO was certain that a hive had swarmed yesterday. It is the bumble bees who are enjoying the nectar. My honey bees are ignoring it in favour of the Magnolia Grandiflora just down the road.
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    Amazing series of films about skep beekeeping in Germany

    I watched these films one wet winter several years ago. I found them enjoyable and fascinating. At the time I was regularly going to the BOAR bases on Luneberg Heath and had seen stands of the skep hives in several places. I will rewatch them soon. As one member says they are a suberb...
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    Queen introduction cage

    I Use this type and have never had a failure.
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    Small Hive Beetle

    In today's Littlejohn Column of the daily mail he says that Small Hive Beetle is in Eire inported in bees from Italy. Do we know if this is true or has he mistaken all the recent hype for fact?
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    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Lime trees just coming into flower. I hope there is a nectar flow this year! Bumbles were busy early today and I hope the honey bees follow suit!
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    Questioning beekeeping aims!

    Hi Jeff Your season pretty much mirrors my own. My early splits have drone layers, NUCs keep throwing cast swarms. Of my 20 hives I would say only 7 are doing well and 5 will produce a honey crop. Also got 12 grafts as sealed queen cells. I am going to seek bees to make up mating NUCs today. The...
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    Couldn't Believe It!!!!!!!!!

    I think your Grandfather and mine had the same upbringing!!!
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    Council buck passing

    Yes, speak to the Councillor and remind him they could be sued for millions. I bet their insurance does not cover bees in their property!!!!
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    Clearing multiple supers

    Remove the supers. Place them on their side. Use a leaf blower to blow the bees back towrds the hive.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Sat at home building some frames in the sunshine. SWMBO calls and says one of the 2 hives at home is swarming. I could not believe it. Walked up the drive to see a swarm arrive and enter my empty hive. Now have 3 at home. One will have to be moved!!!!
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    The grass was so high and wet in one apiary I decided on Tuesday to try and strim it. It was waist high in some places and I was concerned the short lady who has a hive in the apiary may get lost!!!! I managed the whole apiary in 90 mins, a record for me. I am sure there were some members of the...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I did some hive splits a couple of weeks ago and last Thursday was greeted by 3 cast swarms in the apiary. I saw one emerge from a split. I boxed up the swarms, gave one to a friend and took one to another apiary. On Monday the one I had moved was making a deal of fuss and I watched as the queen...
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    Use your table saw to cut grooves and join planks with 5mm ply strips
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    Just for some fun.... an excuse to smile.

    I quite like it with pickle in a sandwich!!!!
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    Just for some fun.... an excuse to smile.

    Hi Dani How do you know about the cupboard under the stairs????
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    Summer Shows

    Hi JBM. An interesting point of view. I had not thought of itlike that. You are probably right. Thanks