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  1. H

    Wax moth are rampant this year

    Just found two of the little miscreants cocooned in my blow torch I use to light my smoker. Sat in the lounge fiddling to clear the blockage and proceeded to expel a fast qty of air from the lungs down the gas pipe where the flame comes out for the two pupae and cocoons zip past Mrs H's eyes...
  2. H

    Leaving the bees a super of honey for the winter

    You're right Lolly everyone has a different way and the trick here [especially on this forum] is to work out who is worth listening to ;). You don't say what you used in your varroa treatment to contaminate your honey but as I'm not a disciple of nadir'ing I would do as you describe and remove...
  3. H

    Leaving the bees a super of honey for the winter

    Have a look at Bob Binnies' video on feeding bees part one. He correctly points out bees like nectar aka sucrose, not honey.
  4. H

    Drone Culling for Varroa Control

    Bob recognises the plastic drone comb he uses can be used as PART of an overall IPM strategy and/or process subject to adherence to strict timings as Ian says but Bobs' clear, he uses Drone comb to swamp his mating area with his drones not, part of IPM activities.
  5. H

    Drone Culling for Varroa Control

    Ooh must have missed that Rolande have you a link please?
  6. H

    Drone Culling for Varroa Control

    Varroa control is one of the internets / beekeeping worlds greatest catastrophes as there is so much c r a p talked about it. To appreciate the scale of the challenge you only have to look at the reaction by the Aussies to their first recent outbreak there and the panic its causing. There are...
  7. H

    Wet supers returned to hive and then...?

    As we're quoting; Churchill once said; Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference..... No not showing off, merely responding to your poorly worded comment about how beekeepers manage with large numbers of hives. Others have read my post as it should have been read so perhaps you...
  8. H

    Wet supers returned to hive and then...?

    Why is it impossible? I have enough "kit" for 50 hives at the last count, each with 3 supers, tbh its closer to 3.5. I rent a barn to store all my kit. Consumables eg jars, about 1400, hundreds of frames [hundreds of two types] more kit in the flat in the garage at home. Take the supers...
  9. H

    Late supercedure?

    Also, sealed QC's are usually a good indication they have swarmed already.
  10. H

    Using a frame-building jig

    looking good
  11. H

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Put them on mid afternoon and remove next morning. The odd [and I mean odd, memory says only one hive in years failed to clear at all, so I used bee-begone or whatever its called]. Never had a problem build your 1" frame with 5mm ply with opposing 10mm holes in two corners and cut the rhombus...
  12. H

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I only use rhombus clearer boards and they have never emptied a super and moved it down Phil.
  13. H

    Wasp Bane refills are expensive.

    Full fat coke or diet Ian?
  14. H

    Using a frame-building jig

    Certainly people like Ian Stepplar glue as well when he makes his frames.
  15. H

    Thymol or no thymol in your winter feed?

    A triumph of hope over reality. :oops:
  16. H

    Thymol or no thymol in your winter feed?

    I'm feeling rather generous and so offer the BBKA a free tip; instead of aggressively telling all and sundry what we can't do year after year, why don't they do something positive and work with other Govt Dept's and academia to find a solution???? I fear JBM's thoughts are correct.
  17. H

    Supersedure to delay swarming?

    And therein lies the answer to the hard to find stuff
  18. H

    How to get All Beekeepers a Bad Name

    you resurrect a 3 year old thread. whats up cant sleep? go crawl back under your rock from whence you came
  19. H

    Ukrainian Beekeeper

    80 hives and needing more honey?? sounds like an enviable position to be in......