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  1. Rory Fields

    Honey price this year

    I've always found jazzjars the cheapest, but have yet to buy this years bulk so might've changed
  2. Rory Fields

    Pre-Drawn Comb

    Crikey, so bloody expensive even before importing!
  3. Rory Fields

    Pre-Drawn Comb

    I'm just idle and am in haste to increase my colonies - have lost probably a third due to not getting round with a bust back- doubtless feeding and splitting is the more sensible option! Cheers
  4. Rory Fields

    Pre-Drawn Comb

    I've seen Humble Bee in Durham selling machine-produced drawn comb - £69.99 for a brood box full. Anyone any idea how or where it's produced? Looks perfect quality and if I could get it in bulk, I wondered if anyone else would fancy some at cost? I'm vaguely tempted, as with all shiny new...
  5. Rory Fields

    Does foundation matter?

    I've had the same and too small a fit from bee-equipment in the past - nobody's surprised! Maisemore for me - excellent quality but also, if you do chequerboard with David Evans' foundationless frames, you only need buy wax every few years and the 20% off when you spend over £200 makes it a...
  6. Rory Fields

    Abelo 12 Frame to Langstroth

    Usually me ;-)
  7. Rory Fields

    Ultra Bee patties 58% protein

    Thanks so much for this Mike!
  8. Rory Fields

    Ultra Bee patties 58% protein

    Sorry Emyr, I wasn't v clear. I'm not using actual Hive Alive it's true but the name felt like shorthand - I'm trying to make up my numbers as swiftly as possible and I meant fondant first, and then syrup (will be needed for the amount of colonies I brought back to home apiary to overwinter)...
  9. Rory Fields

    Ultra Bee patties 58% protein

    I've trawled the forum and for the most part, I appreciate the issue of pollen sub is a bit of a touchy subject that turns into a debate on its necessity or otherwise - however, I bought a 50lb bag last year, probably because I got carried away with my debit card, and it just may prove a...
  10. Rory Fields


    It'd be interesting to know! Well beyond my brainpower though. I wonder if the crocus are one of few things flowering so early and so beggars can't be choosy?
  11. Rory Fields


    Think it also ofc depends on how close you plant them if they've got plenty of other sources - sure I read an abstract/summary of a study once that found bees will preferentially forage a certain distance from the hive - the reason suggested was that waggle-dances didn't work when recruiting...
  12. Rory Fields

    Press for Heather Honey/Cappings

    You WOULN'T upgrade from the 20 frame and buy the VIGO Press? Meaning you'd not bother with the swing-extractor upgrade and just go for the hydropress? Cheers. I do hate wasting drawn super comb though :-/
  13. Rory Fields

    Press for Heather Honey/Cappings

    I'm stupid enough to already have both Abelo hand-looseners from my more profligate days :-)
  14. Rory Fields

    Press for Heather Honey/Cappings

    I know this is a while ago, but I've the possibility of upgrading my 20-frame Abelo radial to a slightly larger swing-cage one - sick to death of my SS heather/fruit press, even though it was cheap and reliable - would you recommend a hydropress in addition to a swing-cage extractor or would the...
  15. Rory Fields

    Going rate of Nucs and colonies this spring

    I've given away about 12 nucs and a hive, and the hive and 8 of the nucs I gave to a millionaire friend of mine. They're all dead already, and he's making noises about me giving him some fresh in the spring - be warned!!
  16. Rory Fields

    Where do forum members (those who buy their queens) buy their queens from?

    I've never had success contacting him tbh
  17. Rory Fields

    Early stages

    I really appreciate the "grey old farts" and the hearing loss jibe he can level at me too if he wants, I'm 36 and have had hearing loss for over a decade.
  18. Rory Fields

    extractor recommendation /advice

    Thanks, Emyr - you're better than Google! Even ramping up to top speed have negligible effect on radial with heather?