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  1. jarmo henttu

    Cell builder setup question(s)

    Miller method is splended. You need those laborous methods if you rear 100 queen in one summer.
  2. jarmo henttu

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    A huge story!
  3. jarmo henttu

    Biggest bee mystery?

    I cannot help that how my parents started me. When in England people become old, they start to dig sleletons from their gardens.
  4. jarmo henttu

    Biggest bee mystery?

    In pants
  5. jarmo henttu

    Biggest bee mystery?

    That question is a mystery to me.
  6. jarmo henttu

    Biggest bee mystery?

    Why I have explained 3 times inside one week, how many days a new queen takes to mate and start laying?
  7. jarmo henttu

    Biggest bee mystery?

    Somebody should tell them. ..
  8. jarmo henttu

    Biggest bee mystery?

    They play with odors. I do not believe that they are able to count they virgins or queen cell. Do they have math at all. If you cut off too many queen cells, bees grow more. After 60 y experince I can only say that beekeepers have skill to invent all kind of explantions the things which do...
  9. jarmo henttu

    Queen slow to lay after caught swarm - how long do I wait?

    Yes, Young swarm queen starts to lay at day 8. But now 2 queens have been one month. Broodless hive, what to do. Time to buy 2 laying queen. When swarn is 4 weeks old, it does not have much bees. Perhaps 2/3 have died in working and for their age. Better to join those swarms.
  10. jarmo henttu

    One example of how long it can take to get a laying queen.

    No one knows about weather, which orders mating flights. It starts to lay 10 days after emerging if weathers are good for mating.
  11. jarmo henttu

    One example of how long it can take to get a laying queen.

    Difficult to understand what is happening up there. Basics: A new queen is ready to mate at 7 days old. It needs 1- 3 good sunny calm days to mate. Temp must be over 20C . Then the queen lays first eggs after 10 days from birth. People love to tell about their record queens, but 2 days here...
  12. jarmo henttu

    Nucing a queen

    Oh dear...
  13. jarmo henttu

    Does foundation matter?

    How to burn premium wax....
  14. jarmo henttu

    Does foundation matter?

    Thick foundations. Like in Finland our foundations are 100 g/ langstroh sheet. Bee use foundation wax to draw 50% out of cell walls.
  15. jarmo henttu

    Nucing a queen

    Move the nuc to anothet apiary that flying bees do not return home.
  16. jarmo henttu

    2 bees in one queen cell.

    It is worker which has pollen basket in the leg.
  17. jarmo henttu

    How quick can queen start laying?

    Virgin queen is ripe to mate at 7 days old. Swarm virgin is inside the queen cell 2 days when she waits that the second swarm leaves. Swarm virgins are ready to fly when they emerge from the cell. After swarm may have several queens. Normal queen is ready lay after 10 days from emerhing. The...
  18. jarmo henttu

    Do bees vary in size?

    The size do not vary much. At least it has not been a problem. The workers weigh becomes 40% bigger when is it eates itself full of honey.
  19. jarmo henttu

    Frames of BIAS

    Bees need store space for pollen too. Otherwise they store pollen into honey combs.
  20. jarmo henttu

    Thoughts re: tiny prime swarm?

    The swarm has perhaps escaped from mating nuc.