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  1. Jonnyl

    I'm in a faff....

    I put them in the nuc after I caught them believing my own marked queen would be with them. Nope. I waited 2-3 weeks, nothing. I put in the test frame and nothing. I put another frame in two weeks ago and they made cells. Knocked them back. Now there are more cells. Scrub queens I reckon as...
  2. Jonnyl

    I'm in a faff....

    Caught a swarm from my own hive some weeks ago but no eggs appeared. They were deffo queenless as they built cells from a frame of BIAS from another hive, around 10 days ago. I knocked them down as I'd already arranged for a mated queen. I went back in last week and knocked down another couple...
  3. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    I have one super about to be fully capped but no drawn empties. This is my first full year and drawn comb is gold. That's why I'm keen to let the nuc draw comb but I'm concerned they're too big for the box and I may harm them by keeping it closed to the worker entrance. I did this to stop the...
  4. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    Murox. Exactly what I was thinking but I'm not confident enough to know. Will the second super suppress the swarm instinct or is too late and if so I should split? I intend going back in tomorrow to look again and perhaps act on the advice given. Cheers
  5. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    And another thing, sorry. I went into the q+ hive and its packed. One frame of eggs and full of honey. One super about to be capped (just added another empty super above the brood. However, I scraped the brood frames with honey to encourage them to move it up which they seem to be doing anyway...
  6. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    Thsnks for advice you guys and especially for the pictures JBM. Now, I'm home. The swarm came from my allegedly q- hive. However, theres no sign of queen cells in it? So. I have the nuc on a worker entrance which is bearding (perhaps too many bees in it) and presumably a queen inside. Do I let...
  7. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    Of course. I'll leave them to it. If it does get too crowded I can always remove some eggs or brood from the nuc. Can you tell me if its wise to vape a poly nuc and if so do you simply vape from under the omf? Thank you all again for your advice.
  8. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    After a couple of weeks why not. Instead of putting them in a full hive as I already have the poly box ready? You see a friend has land and she would like bees so I could use the nucs to start hives there early next spring. Is this doable or would it compromise the chances of over wintering...
  9. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    No clear crown board on the nuc. I do however have another empty 14x12 nuc box. Perhaps split them and over winter both? Still time to raise a queen and get her mated? Possible?
  10. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    I looked into the q- hive a week past Monday and she was there. I always see her as she is marked. Then on Saturday she was gone, no eggs but plenty bees. One really long capped supercedure cell and nothing else. I thought I must have hurt/killed her as she was only a year old and laying well...
  11. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    That's what I was thinking. How long should I let things go?
  12. Jonnyl

    Hiving a swarm...or not?

    Hello everyone. I caught my first swarm yesterday, about the size of a football. I've hived it in a 14x12 nuc for now and reduced the entrance. 5 frames of foundation and one frame or drawn. Now I have one q+ hive and another I believe is q- and was thinking of combining the swarm with the q-...
  13. Jonnyl


    No I didn't see eggs either. Capped brood and larvae.
  14. Jonnyl

    Bees in the rain

    Well, I was out looking at the hive before the rain as I often do. Just observing from the side of the hive and it was industrious but nothing unusual. Simply going in and out and general business. Then the rain came and their activity didn't seem to diminish. However I went in today, an hour...
  15. Jonnyl


    I'll do it later today and then close up. Should I investigate midweek to see what's what? Cheers Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  16. Jonnyl


    So I just let nature take its course and leave the hive alone for 2-3 weeks? Perhaps I can donate a frame of capped brood from my other hive to keep them strong? Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  17. Jonnyl


    After only a year old? I must have injured her then?
  18. Jonnyl


    I always see her and looked through twice and with having a fully developed capped cell then I'm kinda sure. Could be wrong though as I went numb when I saw the cell. But why only one cell? I accept that I could have missed it as I wasnt concerned about swarming so much due to the time of year...
  19. Jonnyl

    Bees in the rain

    Simply black mongrels.
  20. Jonnyl


    Was in one of the hives on Monday. All good. One frame of foundation needing drawn but otherwise fine and saw the Queen. Just been in today and shes gone. One very good looking capped cell in the middle of the box have way up the frame and to the left hand side. No others. There were no swarm...