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  1. F

    What on Earth is going on here!?

    Yes that... :)
  2. F

    What on Earth is going on here!?

    And you decided to come to discuss to forum?
  3. F

    Very confusing inspection

    Egg Egg period lasts 3 days. It does not tell much if they are" mainly slanting ". The swarm has left quite recently. But not 4 days ago.
  4. F

    Very confusing inspection

    Sounds like primary swarm has left. After that entrance is silent.
  5. F

    New swarm with queen, no brood after about three weeks

    If the queen is 3 weeks old, soon it is not able to make mating flights. I suppose that you have had out there good weathers. It might be violated too. Does the queen have a big abdomen?
  6. F

    New swarm with queen, no brood after about three weeks

    After rearing 55 years queens, I know that they do the maiting flights without you do anything.
  7. F

    New swarm with queen, no brood after about three weeks

    If a swarm queen is old, it starts laying after 3 days. If the queen is a virgin, it starts to lay after 8 days. No reason to wait 3 weeks. In this case it is better to give a larva frame into the hive. It is not rare, if the queen is lost during mating flights.
  8. F


    Emotions are called instincts in biology. Bees or wasps defend their hives. On the fields they do not start to fight for fun, like a human on streets. Bees have quards on the entrance. They love to sting to your eye, when you go peep the entrance too near.
  9. F

    suggestions before petrol!

    However it is better to take. Bees smell the foreign smell in the cage and they start to stick poison in the mesh.
  10. F

    Swarming Reversal

    When you had a filled super there, did you had more partly filled supers? If not, bees must pack nectar into brood frames. When you get one box capped honey, you should have at same time two supers, where bees put nectar to dry up.
  11. F


    Quess whose caricature? Brain identyfy faces from some features. It is not known, how it happens. It would be amazing, that a bee identifyes the beekeeper through the screen
  12. F

    Queen cells and splitting

    About 4000.
  13. F


    Human face register is in brain. There can be 1.5 million faces saved as caricatyres. I wonder the theory, what kind of face memory center a honeybee can have. How many human faces.
  14. F

    Queen cells and splitting

    In Finland we have only accepted quality frames. If you want second quality, you must do them by yourself.
  15. F

    Queen cells and splitting

    That explains, why in this forum bees are adviced to nurse in hard ways. Do you think that 20 hives make somebody professionals.
  16. F

    Queen cells and splitting

    I wonder, how many times I have heard that argument in this forum. Perhaps once a week. I have noticed that beekeeping is to many beekeepers a beauty competition: foundations must be premium quality, and frames too. And you want to pay double price from those.
  17. F

    Queen cells and splitting

    If you say so. I do not enjoy about bees, During 60 years I have not been interested about learning, I am not interested to breed bees..... I have just kept bees. Over 100 kg yields / hive have just dropped from sky without knowing what happened I have education of biology researches. .
  18. F

    Queen cells and splitting

    What means wider are re forage? My goals are simple: to get honey during summer. I move my hives to best pastures in summer, where bees can forage at short distance . On better pasture the yield is easily 3 fold If the swarm escapes, then the yield of the hive is gone. A swarmed colony is...