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  1. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    I did not understood the meaning of the research. Why 3 days old larvae were not in comparision. 1 day old larva is an ordinary crafting age. As another research told, the 3 days old larvae will emerge first and those will be queens in hives.
  2. F

    What to do with frames of undrawn foundation?

    Once I got old foundations. The owner had died 15 years ago. I put them into frames and bees fraw them as all others
  3. F

    What to do with frames of undrawn foundation?

    Endless tricks of beekeepers...
  4. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    Oh dear... never seen that or not even thincked it.
  5. F

    What to do with frames of undrawn foundation?

    I have used 60 years foundations, and I have never heated foundations. Bees draw foundations when they are ready to do it. I use to give 2 boxes foundations per hive during main yield. Then I have new combs enough for next year.
  6. F

    Can we or can we not feed soy flour?

    Well. now I have fed soya to bees 20 years. Nothing bad has happened. Should I wait still? I have believed that fear of soya comes from genemanipulation of soya.
  7. F

    Failed AS

    You are same caliber. Original version from 1880. ...
  8. F

    What to do with frames of undrawn foundation?

    One day bees will draw them. If you get a swarm, give foundation to them
  9. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    David Tarpy can think about me what he wants.I select my queens, not he.
  10. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    You did not read the point, that semen sac is smaller in emercency cells. Yeah... I know much beekeepers which do not mind to select their queens. They use what ever bugs. Swarming queens are favorite.
  11. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    If you want, you can use emergency queens in your hives. Sometimes they look more like worker bee. The tesearch says, that most UK beekeepers do not mind, do they get honey or not fron their hives.
  12. F

    Can we or can we not feed soy flour?

    Just now in May and June I feed pollen patty to hives . Half of May bees did not fly to willows and Maples to gather pollen. It was windy and rainy. Then patty quarantees, that bees get enough larva juice to brood. I do not stop their natural pollen foraging. The more they get pollen outside...
  13. F

    Failed AS

    In USA they call Padgen and AS as Demaree. It is written in USA, that Demaree invented, that when you separate the laying queen and brood, it cuts the swarming fever. They continue, that there are many variations about Demaree idea. Sourge: MAAREC letters. Consortion of 6 US universities
  14. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    Yeah... when first virgin is emerged, it starts at once to tear down other queen cells
  15. F

    Failed AS

    And when I use 1-2 boxes foundations with artificial swarms, they make easily new combs and clean crystallized honey combs.
  16. F

    Failed AS

    But I have noticed myself during 40 years, that 30% out of cases bees continue swarming fever if I give ready combs. When I give foundations, no italian colony continued swarming fever. When I have made 15 years AS with Carniolan swarmy traits, they were much more difficult to stop...
  17. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    As the research says, young larvae are most, when bees start emercency cells. You can try it with Miller system. But when first virgins emerge, they have been oldest larvae 3 days old. All larvae are fed with royal jelly first 3 days.
  18. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    In what circumtancies?. Why they do that? Bees eate worker larvae, if they have lack of pollen. When I feed with pollen patty, no larvae is missing. 50% missing larvae is nornal, if bees cannot go to forage pollen.
  19. F

    Emergency Queen Cells. Eggs or larvae?

    Research 1984 According this under 1% out of emergency cells were started from eggs.