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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Firefly

    Oil Seed **** & Extraction Query ?

    I extract, filter through a Thornes double wire strainer into a honey bucket, leave it for 24-48h to let bubbles rise, then bottle it. My personal experience is that it contains small crystals already because it has started to granulate and some of those go through the filters, that is enough...
  2. Firefly

    Cornwall Beekeepers

    I invoke Betteridge:'s_law_of_headlines
  3. Firefly

    Ht hotter hottest

    I've bought honey in wine bottles...!3047&authkey=!AA_vPEa5fL9zNsw&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG
  4. Firefly

    Ht hotter hottest

    Try looking up "we want plates" on Facebook ;-)
  5. Firefly

    OSR in comb

    I've become very cautious about OSR. It can pass the shake test and be fine for a while, but when it part-crystallises and the remaining liquid in the jar is therefore diluted, fermentation can start. Very messy
  6. Firefly

    Slow bees this year, or just mine

    Wind, rain, temperature, forage - so variable place to place and day to day. Mine went ballistic for 2 weeks in early May; much slower week last week, judging by stores and new brood. Forecast says 12 deg max on Wed and 6 overnight - they will be burning honey to keep warm! OSR going over...
  7. Firefly

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thanks Goran. I found this about Black Locust, which seems to sum things up well: "Black locust (robinia pseudoacacia) is a tree that is both hated and loved. On one side of the fence you will find people who say that black locust is a horrible invasive species. On the other side of the...
  8. Firefly

    Ht hotter hottest

    Love it - I'd not heard that before. Neither the EC nor the EEC exist, by the way. John Major took us out of the latter via Maastricht in 1993 and the EC was wound up via Lisbon while Brown was dithering in 2009. At least some of the people who object to the EU would object a lot less to the...
  9. Firefly

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    And it's a "pseudoacacia", not a real acacia. From what I've read and observations in France, it looks as if it falls into the same category as Himalayan Balsam: good for bees/honey but actually something of an invasive menace. I'd be interested in your comments Goran This was on the Canal du...
  10. Firefly

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    2 years ago today I was dealing with queen cells. Today I gave the same colony in the same place, with the daughter queen, a frame of honey because I'm so concerned about how low they have got in the last 2 weeks OSR just starting to flower, but there is a lot less of it than the last 2 years...
  11. Firefly

    Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

    Bees working Viburnum here on 20 December - I was so shocked I recorded it! Dandelion & ***** willow today. Still plenty of snowdrop, despite them having been out since Jan
  12. Firefly

    Beekeeping Xmas Presents!!!

    A porcelain teapot with a bumblebee on it - very nice A jar of pine honey from Eastern France - an acquired taste...maybe 'The Bees' by Laline Paull - see my mini review on the bee books thread Seven colonies still surviving in seven hives - thank you to Melisseus, Brigid or any other supreme...
  13. Firefly

    Book suggestions

    I'm reading The Bees by Laline Paull - which has one other reference on the forum. This is pretty weird and will not appeal to everyone - some would find it seriously irritating, I think. It's written from the perspective of a worker bee, so highly anthropomorphic. The author clearly knows a...
  14. Firefly

    Badger cull.

    Er - just for the record, I don't think I did. I do find it illogical that if I said I was a dog-meat eater, there might be more people who want to call me that I'd quite like to see some Welsh (and English) uplands revert to something wilder and more diverse than barren, wet, monotonous...
  15. Firefly

    Badger cull.

    No one has posted any evidence that the cull has had any impact on TB. I assume there is none. The original BBC report looks like pure rhetoric (which I think we call "spin" nowadays?) from all sides The Co-Op has sold its land to the Wellcome Trust (an unfortunate by-product of the Co-Op...
  16. Firefly

    5 Years ago Today Up Northumberland.

    I just heard from a friend planning a skiing Xmas who says there is none on the Austrian Alps either Strange times
  17. Firefly

    5 Years ago Today Up Northumberland.

    It came south a little later. I took this on the 19th
  18. Firefly

    Confused Messages at Bee Group

    On this forum, the mere mention of matchsticks can get you a red card For the record, I put cardboard or a bit of ply over the feedholes and an old cushion in a super over the crownboard. Matches stay in the bee shed, getting damp ready for lighting the smoker in the spring
  19. Firefly

    Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

    In the sunny weather last week they were fetching in gigantic loads. Even today - grey and dreary, 11C, 12mph east wind - they are still fetching it in smaller loads - as much as they can get before they freeze to death, I should think