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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    Bee Gym Slim

    This month Beecraft - Bee Gym Slim. worth investment?
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    thanks, very good..��
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    Varroa free scanning app Has anyone tried this app?
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    Itchy hands - feet

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    Itchy hands - feet

    thanks all.. gained couple of stings through gloves today, all fine. Happy Days
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    Itchy hands - feet

    I've had the pleasure of many a bee sting, normally some swelling, nothing more. This time and first time on the face, causing itchy hands and soles of feet. taken cetirizine, itchy easing. Should I be concerned about future stings, or could reaction be due to location of sting??
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    Fermenting honey issue

    I sadly had one batch of plastic lids delivered last season and couple of the jars I've opened recently have fermenting smell, others with metal lids all fine. All checked before jarred with refractometer...
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    Field Beans

    thanks all
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    Field Beans

    Evening, Local farmer asked if I'm interested to move some hives ready for Field Bean crop. worthwhile??
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    chilled brood

    Ok, I've despatched queen and added eggs from strong hive. lets see what the ladies do.. All part of beekeeping. Take Care
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    chilled brood

    Didn't give full picture - sorry. Looks like the queen only just become DL. there are still a few workers to hatch. lots of young bees, not just the winter workers. 5 good frames of bees. If i despatch the DLQ and introduce frame of eggs will they not produce queen??
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    chilled brood

    Inspected hives yesterday found drone laying queen. plenty of bees and queen seen. plan is to give the hive a brood frame from a strong hive. the question is the hives are 20 minute drive from each other. I'll place the frame in a nuc and move as fast as possible. I'm guessing by the time I...
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    Fermented Honey - back to bees

    whoops - thanks...
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    Fermented Honey - back to bees

    Any reason not to give extracted honey that has started to ferment back to bees for winter stores??
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    London and the south - supers on still ?

    reports of Ivy flow here...crazy early
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    Stores from Super to Brood

    thanks all...
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    Stores from Super to Brood

    thanks, couldn't make my mind up to feed or just give them their own stores to draw the brood frames..
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    Stores from Super to Brood

    Moved Nuc with 5 frames brood and 5 frames stores in super to National, will bees moved stores to brood?? new setup - Brood, Queen Ex., Crown board with one open space and one porter escape - super with 5 good frames of stores - crown board, roof. thanks.
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    Flow, Is it just me...?? Checked hives yesterday, supers i left on my large hives felt lighter and my smaller hives / Nucs all but one required feeding..
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    Angry Hive

    thanks..thinking split, combine to strengthen 2 weak hives and new nuc in need of young bees.