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  1. Xander

    Queen trap swarm prevention

    I don't see how it will achieve anything because it doesn't take away the urge to swarm and doesn't stop QCs being produced so wouldn't you end up with slim virgin queens passing up through the screen, mating and taking off with casts as the season progresses. Also I thought older queens can...
  2. Xander

    Queen trap swarm prevention

    Good morning, has anyone tried this: Y ?
  3. Xander

    Demeree Question

    That's exactly how I started and it went downhill rapidly from there on. You've done the right thing coming for advice at this stage, I messed up and split them mixing up methods in my head. I'm getting sorted now with some excellent advice from one source only. Try to follow one trusted source...
  4. Xander

    Demeree Question

    He's not a neighbourly kinda guy, he's always reporting the chap between us to the council for various things and he put out a load of wet frames out in the summer next to his (4 foot) dividing fence so the resultant swarms of feeding bees would annoy said chap and his 6yr old daughter, so...
  5. Xander

    Demeree Question

    Yes that's the plan now. Then I shall leave them alone to get on with it. It's a steep learning curve and many many different ways to skin that poor old cat it can be overwhelming. I'm sticking to one trusted source of information from now on until I'm knowledgeable enough to go it alone...
  6. Xander

    Demeree Question

    Yes, something that sounds like that. I've looked in today, the hive on the original site which I thought had the queen has some older brood, no eggs no young larvae. The box I split off to the side with most of the brood has several (more than 6 open queen cells, charged with fat grubs inside...
  7. Xander

    Sold Commercial hives and bees.

    Hi do you have any singles left?
  8. Xander

    Demeree Question

    I understand the bees will return to the spot where they left from or orientated to most recently it was why would I want to bleed more flyers from the hive I moved to one side but I think I know where Ive become muddled up. I should have moved the Q+ box to one side and left the brood with the...
  9. Xander

    Demeree Question

    Mee too, I panicked a little as it began to rain half way through and I couldn't find the queen for the life of me (I also had 2 bees inside my veil) so I did what I've read about to split the hive without finding the queen by shaking some of the brood frames into the hive and putting them into...
  10. Xander

    Demeree Question

    Ok, I've read Roger Patterson's piece on Dave Cushman's site. The method looks like something I'd like to try as he recons he can get as many as 10 new colonies strong enough to get through the winter from one parent hive. I'm a bit further north than he and obviously nowhere near as experienced...
  11. Xander

    Demeree Question

    Oh and thank you all for the advice, I feel more confident now going forward 👍
  12. Xander

    Demeree Question

    😳 I think I'll chew over it. On another note.. My ex mentor (I use him as casual labour occasionally on jobs) said on way to work this morning that after a queen cell is sealed I don't need to go in for another week and that if there's more than one virgin about to hatch the oldest one will...
  13. Xander

    Demeree Question

    All of the descriptions of the Demaree say it's important to knock down any QCs from the top box or they may swarm. I want to make increase so what are my options? If I were to make a Demaree board with a 4"*4" square of qe and an entrance to the upper box could I just leave them to get on with...
  14. Xander

    Progress report: The Easy See plastic window in my veil.

    You may be onto something there. I too find it difficult to see small details like eggs in the comb. My reading glasses just magnify the mesh of my veil making things worse. I've taken to using a hand held magnifying glass which is awkward to hold while handling the frames. Maybe a +3 or +4...
  15. Xander

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Driving from South Shropshire up to Wigan it's definitely a couple of weeks ahead up here, back home there are very few dandelions and a sparse smattering of osr but the further north we headed more and more blooms are open. I guess it's because we are quite elevated at home and the heat from...
  16. Xander

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Interesting data, could you please tell me the software you use and the sensors are they available specifically for this purpose or have you made your own set up? I ask because my brother is a process automation engineer so would be able to kit me out if needed.
  17. Xander

    Allergic reaction to bees wax

    This thread seems to have gone off on a tangent into the realms of organic chemistry and the properties of oxalic acid. In answer to the OP, nobody appears to have had the same problem as yourself. If you don't get the same symptoms when burning your candles then definitely check your Bain Marie...
  18. Xander

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    It took me a minute then 🤣🤣🤣 Nice job 👍
  19. Xander

    Shook swarms - all bees, every spring

    I think they had 17 colonies which reduced to 6 by early spring. Better than burning the lot and having none. A busy year ahead rebuilding the apiary.