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  1. R

    Some help on what has happened here

    When you did the Varroa treatment did you monitor the drop?
  2. R

    Selling, we are doing it wrong.

    Now that's marketing.
  3. R

    Are you still inspecting? November?

    It's always useful to see and find out what's going on if it does no harm, even if you don't believe in learning though experience.
  4. R

    Jar deal

    No, fake news, the 12oz hex are not on offer, pity.
  5. R

    Are you still inspecting? November?

    If it were a warm day I'd be tempted to inspect just for educational purposes to see how they are getting on at this time of year, being careful not to disturb them too much, though I can see their general health through the perspex crown boards.
  6. R

    Wintering bees in the U.K.

    I use only perspex crown boards and they have slightly diifferent bee spaces from 6 to 8mm. They build some brace comb in the gap mainly in the summer, not in the autumn/winter so I don't think convection currents are the reason. Also the brace comb is more common where the gap is narrower...
  7. R

    Wintering bees in the U.K.

    Doesn't stop any such convection currents along the frames, which would be reinforced.
  8. R

    Wintering bees in the U.K.

    I agree and don't see the need for the correx if you have insulation anyway over the crown board. With a perspex crown board you want to see the bees beneath and how they are moving across the frames, after you lift the insulation.
  9. R

    Honey weighing machines

    I fill about 30-40 jars at a time to avoid any chance of subsequent crystallisation which is easier to deal with in buckets. So digital scales placed under the jar being filled is easy and efficient.
  10. R

    Air source heat pumps

    Another thing; with an ASHP, for hot water you have to use a tank with an immersion heater to boost the temperature to around 60 deg which can be expensive. Otherwise the water is only 42 deg max which is not safe in the long term.
  11. R

    Air source heat pumps

    So for those people who need to open windows regularly or are in the habit of "airing" rooms due to damp conditions or to stop condensation in bathrooms, after cooking in kitchens or drying clothes indoors, the message would be "forget it", as the heat loss would be too great?
  12. R


    That doesn't sound underpriced at all, and seems that Orkney islanders are a wealthy lot. Certainly well above the shop prices here.
  13. R


    If you want your label to stand out then a modern, clean design is needed. But people will buy the jars for the contents anyway even if it's a hackneyed label.
  14. R

    Adding honey to sugar feed

    Yes, honey eventually goes mouldy in the frames if it's too diluted (not ripe) so it's the water content that matters not any magical anti-bacterial properties.
  15. R

    Better Strap the Hives Down….

    Met Office is usually reliable up to 3 days when the wind and weather come from the west, often longer otherwise. Today's predicted winds were an error in the system.
  16. R

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Not poppies, none to be seen now. Otherwise maybe propolis of some kind?
  17. R

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bees bringing in lots of black and pale yellow pollen this morning, which considering the lack of flowers about now makes me wonder on which plants they found it; any ideas?
  18. R

    Thymol death syrup

    Acetic acid (vinegar) is much cheaper and easily available, 5 litres of 77% for 12.50 delivered. Just needs a dash of concentrate in 5 litres of syrup
  19. R

    High varroa count post-treatment

    Just vape with OA, simple and effective.
  20. R

    How long would you drive to an out apiary

    Quite right, especially if driving to any so-called "green" site takes more than a few minutes with all the damage to the environment that would do, not to mention the incovenience and time involved.