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  1. blackcloud

    Extracting by hand or machine?

    Dried using homemade supers dryer,Uncapped with warm breadknives,12f electric extraction,jar to the brim by hand from settling tanks ,labels done on inkjet stickerpaper. Have been known to carry 12kg of orders in bagforlifes on the half mile walk to work. Very very occasionally.
  2. blackcloud

    Summer harvest?

    Enrico did you not get the "July is the new February" memo?
  3. blackcloud

    Summer harvest?

    Looking at putting clearers in on Saturday night. Leaving some forage for them-they've damn well earned it. Cuts down on syrup making chores too. Already got more honey than we can sell from the spring harvest and I really want to go on a varroa killing spree
  4. blackcloud

    uncapped brood situation

    I looked at Google earth and seen lots of little squares and rectangles in rows. Anyone want some cheap beekeeping equipment? :eek:
  5. blackcloud

    uncapped brood situation

    Well they were told that drinking bleach will cure Covid 19-what can you expect?
  6. blackcloud

    Rhombus Clearer Board Question

    My boards have three whole units on each. Never cleared more than two supers at a time but I put them on late evening and by early morning they are always clear
  7. blackcloud

    wasp tunnel mark two

    18x 9 will work just fine at this time of year and will present more of a challenge to intruders. It's still bigger than some wild colonies happily use.
  8. blackcloud

    Crazy, aggressive bees - what to do?

    Behaviour and brood disorder That photo earlier is not an uncommon scene
  9. blackcloud

    Fencing for allotment apiary

    Scaffold poles even? Your local scaffolder might do you a deal on old kit. Where's Millet when we need him?
  10. blackcloud

    Crazy, aggressive bees - what to do?

    Yes. I collect swarms almost as as voluntary work -refusing payment when offered and ask that a donation to be made to the hospice. Collected over twenty this year and it's evident our local feral population is in an appalling state. I end up doing this at the very least three or four times...
  11. blackcloud

    uncapped brood situation

    Those raised rims look like baldbrood
  12. blackcloud

    Fencing for allotment apiary

    Ditto I use it for seed bed protection to keep the pheasants off the borage As with most things you get what you pay for
  13. blackcloud

    Crazy, aggressive bees - what to do?

    And every day that goes by those drones will be getting the chance to perpetuate the behaviour in new feral queens . Nursing colonies with illness ,bad behaviour and brood disorder is not doing the wild population any favours whatsoever. Imho of course...
  14. blackcloud

    Crazy, aggressive bees - what to do?

    Requeening is a slow and painful way to achieve the same thing in many cases.
  15. blackcloud

    Bees Living in My Garden. How it all Started.

    (y) Let Makenzie Crook have a read of this and it would turn up in Detectorists or Worzel Gummidge
  16. blackcloud

    How to spot a french beekeeper

    I have a weekly subscription at the hive tool factory but smoker on plastic is a bad habit I never got into
  17. blackcloud

    Bees in Birmingham

    "No win no fee" sort of info? ;)
  18. blackcloud

    Initial thoughts on site - any advice appreciated

    Ask for a 1:1 mentor at your local association. You've missed the onslaught of swarm season so it's fairly stress free now until spring.
  19. blackcloud

    Oxalic acid Vapouriser using a car battery charger

    Dare I say..... just get a GasVap for forty quid and do away with the need for any form of electricity.
  20. blackcloud

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Expertly marked too!