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  1. madasafish

    Hagens Bees

    That is vey naughty and worthy of a fine.
  2. madasafish

    Test frame now with two small QC’s

    Depends on wasps, weather and luck. Wasps can overpower a weak nuc.
  3. madasafish

    New member saying "Hi"

  4. madasafish

    Very low varroa counts: prophylactic treatment or not?

    Old Castle Farms sell OA.. I struggled to find a supplier.
  5. madasafish

    Special offer Posca pen set.

    I keep my pens and Crown of Thorns in a rectangular tin: once used for shortbread fingers.. Toma for me: cheaper and better (ebay)
  6. madasafish

    Getting old

    Thanks for the warning. Don't use them often. BP is normal except I have "white coat syndrome" and my BP is sky high when first tested by a medic.. Each subsequent test sees a much lower reading/ till normal
  7. madasafish

    Getting old

    I am 76 and 77 in two months time and can still lift Lang supers which are a bit heavier than Nationals. 1, Have a moveable stand to put boxes on. Lightweight but strong enough and big enough to take two supers side by side..(For when you want to change order of supers - eg heavier on top)...
  8. madasafish

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Not much forage available and not much foraging taking place when daytime temperatures maxxed at 12C for a period of 3 weeks. Nor much nectar as it was gray and overcast.
  9. madasafish

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    9 supers.. June was a TOTAL disaster..
  10. madasafish

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Picked up 9 supers from allotments - Clearer Brds on yesterday - took home in Jazz to day 1pm, extracted and cleaned up before 5pm. Approx 110-130 lbs honey, To be bottled tomorrow am. .Mostly presold/given to allotment members. Like those from my own hives, none had much if any honey in the...
  11. madasafish

    full length leather gauntlets ?

    No leather gloves allowed in local association apiary. I keep glove free - vinyls for horrors. Avon Skin So Soft original deters most bees. My bees are largely docile: I requeen nasties. But as a trainer and mentor, I do deal with some real horrors.. With sting counts averaging c 120 pa, my...
  12. madasafish

    Laying workers?

    My experience of laying workers is they will NOT raise QCs.. tried three times..
  13. madasafish

    Latest time to buy bees

    Be aware US and UK beekeeping are comparable to US and UK spelling: totally different and almost incomprehensible at times.
  14. madasafish

    Latest time to buy bees

    Quite simply: You know nothing about beekeeping: Winter is the hardest time of the year for bees. Bee numbers are falling. One mistake by you - accidentally killing the queen - could end up killing the colony. (Where do you gt a new Queen in December?) In Spring, bees expand, there is an...
  15. madasafish

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I strip out the heavy frames into one super.. But having extracted three times this year already, I have now a maximum of three supers on most colonies.
  16. madasafish

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I run big colonies: they need lots of space: three ish supers full of honey - but usually uncapped - and two for nectar.. Fewer supers = swarming.
  17. madasafish

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    They don't like you/the hive/the surroundings/ they have been predated/overheated/cold/.....think of any of multiple reasons.. I do no inspections with 5 supers on...too feeble /lazy etc
  18. madasafish

    Virgins Vs cells

    I go down the incubator/mark/inspect route less resources used and wasted when the Q emerges faulty or does not emerge at all from QC..
  19. madasafish

    Where are the wasps?

    Rain does the spraying daily..
  20. madasafish

    Cheap security camera anyone?

    I have a worn down cricket bat for when I am attacked by intruders I have a fear of burglars and intruders as I assume they are on my premises to steal or vandalise.. You might even state I have a mental illness such is my fear and loathing for such people. Himalayan brambles and barbed wire...