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  1. B

    Would this work for creaming honey

    here you go or
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    swarm disease prevention

    thanx for the replies they are all hived in poly nucs so i guess i will just have to place them on a sheet of ply to help count varroa numbers
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    swarm disease prevention

    When hiving a new swarm, The general consensus is to no feed them for the first few days so that the use up and honey reserves and therefore locking away disease in the wax foundation I currently have a few swarms that are hived. All arew currently broodless Im a fan of hivemakers thymolated...
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    Fastest Swarm to Bait Hive (Photos)

    @foxylad where did you get the black plastic stand from mate? I have one that i was given by a friend but he and I dont know what they are originally used for or where i can get some more from they are great for placing nuc's on
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    Cast in a nuc, can I open it up to add frames?

    If i were you I would just get them in asap reason is they will be in 'frame drawing mode' and will build comb in places you dont want them too. Also the extra frames will help with keeping the hive warmer. Also, as she is a virgin queen, the less disturbance the better so to me its better to...
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    Laying worker

    I have a hive i think with a laying worker/s. I was told the best way to deal with this is empty them out in the corner of the field and either a) hope the workers dont fly back to the original hive or b) dont replace the hive and hope the shook bees beg to get into other hives I was told...
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    cheapest place for jars?

    As per the title guys can you tell me where the cheapest place to buy 1 pound jars from and how much they are with p&p also, would like to know how much the hexagonal jars are too thanx
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    How long would it take for honey to ferment

    you need to remove oil rape seed honey from frames as soon as!! otherwise, as you have witnessed, it sets like concrete and if not removed from frames its makes the whole frame un-usable
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    I maybe wrong but I always thought that asparagus was havested long before it would get to the point of flowering. Young shoots contain sugars that old shoots dont have so it would be very un-usual to see asparagus in flower.
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    drone laying queen / laying worker

    Thanx veg, after reading your advice I had a look on dave cushmans site. He says the hive can be placed back on its original position but no guarantees can be made as to stopping any laying workers making there way back into the hive as they can fly and as you said a qx will not stop them so...
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    drone laying queen / laying worker

    Hi guys, i have a hive with either a laying worker or drone laying queen. Evidence of this is eggs is a 'pitty patter pattern' over frames and they are all being capped as drone cells. No capped worker cells anyway, as there is still quite a few left, should i take the hive to the corner of...
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    Flash Point

    please tell me the above was a joke rememeber the fire triangle in school? for something to combust, it needs 3 things, fuel, heat and oxygen. If you take any one of these 3 things away, combustion cannot take place. now as for the solar melter - you have fuel (wax), also oxygen (air) and you...
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    what do do with rape honey?

    Hi guys, I took a full super off one of my hives yesterday that was on oil seed rape. I have extracted it and now its just sitting in a bucket. I dont have a paddle to make creamed honey. As this is the first time ive extracted honey, can anyone tell me what i need to do with it before...
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    Commercial v's Hobby

    any chance of a link? would love to see this pm me if links not allowed
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    Which smoker do you use?

    Im still a relative newb but after a few months of my smoker going out on me, i finally found something that works for me. Try this Make sure your use the aerator plate inside the smoker. This lifts the fuel off the smoker floor so that air can get to the smouldering fuel. secound, i find...
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    2nd supers on

    can we have some nice pics of full supers then please? beeporn!!
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    Test frame- they built QCs, then took them down!

    @ Redwood sorry to jump on this thread but i too have placed a test frame in a suspected queenless colony. I was intending on checking the test frame at 5 days to if they have built any charged queen cells. Reading this thread, Im now confused!! so when is the right time to check a test frame...
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    Test frame- they built QCs, then took them down!

    think you have mis-read his post redwood he said he was going to unite a nuc with the colony but when he went to do this (guessing it was a day or 2 later), he noticed that they had torn down the charged queen cells that had been made. This went against what h though he would see which is...
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    2nd supers on

    the pic doesnt seem to match what your saying otherwise am i missing something?? your holding a brood frame up, showing capped brood. There is not super or shallow frames in site have you moved to brood and a half? or is the pic the wrong one im confused, doesnt take much though lol
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    anyone got any pollen for sale?

    thanks for the replys i understand it may be a bit hit and miss but anything is worth a try, especially when drugs from the doctor dont really help. He cant go on like this for the next few months. Its cruel anyway, anyone recommend a particulat type of trap or maker? im using national hives...