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  1. Nighthaunt

    First honey harvest

    Suspect may have a fair bit of sugar syrup in there - however bees have been out on mass collecting as far back as the 16th February - these were from a NUC - 6 14 x 12 brood frames and 6 supers - consumed a grand total of 1kg of Fondant all winter, so figuring to still have 6 capped super...
  2. Nighthaunt

    First honey harvest

    Hi, I don’t have a lot to compare to - it’s tangential which works better for Oil Seed Rape (OSR) - radial tends to be popular but for only a few hives would be massive over capacity. I really like it - would say go electric, as that way can be spinning out one set of frames and uncapping...
  3. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Apologies for the lack of updates - work has been manic with further promotion and time for social media has been tight. Both the main hive and NUC came through really well over winter - main hive was wrapped with kingspan and 4” in a super above crownboard. Both hives have built up well in...
  4. Nighthaunt

    First honey harvest

    Well having not got any excess and having to feed most of last year, this year the bees have been off to a flying start - the overwintered NUC managing to cap 6 super frames in March (down in Kent so many days in double digits with bees out collecting). First time extracting - got loads still...
  5. Nighthaunt

    Murray McGregor at Medway BKA

    Sounds really good - do you mind a couple of interlopers from the south of the county?
  6. Nighthaunt

    Hive Alive

    To be fair I’ve also used apiguard - but drowning seems to be prevalent all year round at anything like the recommended treatment rate - try maybe a 1/4 of a teaspoon per 5l maximum seems to work well. going to be trying the new MineralBee (yes I know probably not needed like multivitamins for...
  7. Nighthaunt

    Hive Alive

    First year beek here and I seem to have the same with hive alive - if anywhere near recommended strength bees literally drown themselves - normal syrup they don’t - exact same feeder. Now I put in about a drop (or a spoon handle dipped in pot for 3l which doesn’t seem to drive them to death by...
  8. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Good for my confidence and very much appreciated. The old Queen seems happy to be back into NUC and orientation flights every couple of days - with the wet weather down south I have been feeding light syrup - although will pause now until inspection tomorrow to check if starting to store in...
  9. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Will be inspecting either this evening or tomorrow (week since last inspection). Will send you the photos. Alex
  10. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    For those wondering Queen cell discovered on inspection on Sunday 5th July, and artificial split done the evening of Monday 6th - Figure capping cell would be occurring either next day or two so Queen should be emerging/emerged and possibly mating flight from next few days onwards.
  11. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Well some changes since the last update… During hive inspection a Queen cell nearly capped was discovered - only a single one oddly. So I did an artificial swarm into the Poly NUC I received the colony in (Queen heading home) so although earlier than planned now have 2 hives (although one is a...
  12. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    I only have the internal sensor (Hive Heart v3) so measures internal temp, humidity, and frequency of the bees in the hive (swarm alert and missing Queen) - as long as a mobile with gateway app goes near downloads the data - hence latest update here:
  13. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Well think the queens settled in - foragers have been out and back with lots of pollen and internal hive temp and humidity showing they are working (sensor over new brood frames so don’t have the nurse bees heating frames below - will shift next inspection)
  14. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Will be moving it onto the stab (which installed this morning with nuc next door in shorts and t shift - must be getting brave) this afternoon when back from a trip to the mother in laws to sort out a blocked washing machine drain pipe - living the glamorous life 🤣 so NUC over to grass next to...
  15. Nighthaunt

    Newbie from Kent

    Well collected my ladies this afternoon - will transfer tomorrow into the hive (will site a concrete paver for the hive to sit on).
  16. Nighthaunt

    Newbie with a swarm of someone wants it......

    Sadly these supposedly were firsts not seconds, so was expecting a closer fit, brood box went together lovely but the supers had some warped wood and cutting on the bottom bars weren’t in line - think might have a go if can sort out a board to sand it down but probably being overly picky
  17. Nighthaunt

    Newbie with a swarm of someone wants it......

    Here’s a photo of the gap - caused by supers having the bottom bar not machined correctly and overhanging the bottom of the box (photo 2)
  18. Nighthaunt

    Newbie with a swarm of someone wants it......

    Think it’s just an error when they cut the wood - some very tight fits (slight warp) which has made the supers quite interesting to build…
  19. Nighthaunt

    Newbie with a swarm of someone wants it......

    Might have to shave off a fraction of a mm on the front bars if the supers as that is standing a little bit proud of the sides so a slight air gap - not sure if that’s normal or meant to be an absolute flush finish between all the wood.
  20. Nighthaunt

    Newbie with a swarm of someone wants it......

    Excuse the messy conservatory - had the electric consumer unit replaced ready for a permanent hot tub and 32A power feed for outside for it. Alex