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  1. Red Bee

    Mating nucs

    Ideal thanks for your replies.
  2. Red Bee

    Mating nucs

    Do people keep their mating nucs in the same apiary as they source the nuc bees from, I know its better to take the nucs away but can it be done in the same place? I'm just thinking ahead as I would like to give Q rearing a go this season. Where I keep my hives I could possibly keep the nucs 500...
  3. Red Bee

    New Brood Boxes

    East Yorks, where did you get the wood from in the width you have?
  4. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Sounds like a win win situation Hebeegeebee. I'm thinking about making my own mini-nucs too. You've inspired me to do it now.
  5. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Will you be selling them Rooftops? Bet they take two cup fulls of bees!
  6. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Rooftops what brand is that mini hive?
  7. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Ideal thanks I'll have a look on the bibba site. I have found the Ron Brown book, it's on the Northen bee books website, £1.50 not bad. Or part of the book £1.50 seems cheap.
  8. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Thanks Rooftops. What happens to the bees that are in the mini nuc? Can they unite to the larger nuc with the Q?
  9. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Cheers Chris. My next question is about mini nucs & the use of. I understand how they are used up to the end point. The Q is mated & mini frames of brood are present. So how do you get those mini frames into a standard hive?
  10. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Thanks for the reply, any tips for a first timer?
  11. Red Bee

    Hair rollers

    Just a quick question to the Q rearing experts out there. Instead of taking the capped Q cells out of a Q+ rearing hive & placing them in mating nucs could you leave them to hatch out into hair rollers? Or would the hived Q see this as time to swarm? Or would the cells being in another brood...
  12. Red Bee

    Queen rearing method

    I didn't simplify it, Vince Cook did!!!
  13. Red Bee

    Queen rearing method

    Thanks Pete. I agree some of the old methods are very complicated & put me off from the start.
  14. Red Bee

    Queen rearing method

    I would like to have a go at queen rearing this season. I liked the look of Queen rearing simplified by Vince Cook & bought the book. Since then I have come across the Cloake board for use in rearing queens. Using the Cloake board seems an ideal way, no need to move brood boxes around, simples...
  15. Red Bee

    Oxalic Acid

    What do you personally do Craig? Do you use oxalic acid?
  16. Red Bee

    Oxalic Acid

    Thank you Finman i'll try that out.
  17. Red Bee

    Oxalic Acid

    Ok I've bought my oxalic acid. It's ready made stuff at 6%. Now I read that this maybe to strong a concentration & the norm is 3. Something. What I really want to know is, have I bought the wrong oxalic acid?
  18. Red Bee

    Oxalic Acid

    Thanks for all of your replies. I have bought the ready made oxalic acid to start with. I have also treated with Apiguard in Aug/sept. Last season i had 2 hives out of 5 with visiable varroa & deformed wings, called the local expert in & had to treat in the summer. I want to do all i can to...
  19. Red Bee

    Oxalic Acid

    Hello all. I'm after some advice please. I'm planning on using Oxalic acid this winter to treat against varroa. It will be my first attempt so i was just wondering what the reaction might be from the bees? Will they growl, will they get teasy or will they do nothing? Also when would be the best...
  20. Red Bee

    Interesting crackling sound from hive

    I too have heard this crackling sound & in one of my hives the bees have created a new entrance by chewing thier way out!