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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Red Bee


    Can anyone help please I would like to make some hives out of pine, I can plane it up, saw it up and all that but not sure which is best to buy from the timber merchant. Planed or unplaned planks? Cheaper unplaned I expect & re-saw it after but would like to know how others do it. Thanks
  2. Red Bee

    Thymol treatments

    Once because of the risk of tainting honey but if your not bothered about honey, how many times can you treat to get the varroa down.
  3. Red Bee

    Thymol treatments

    Hello Is there a limit on the amount of times Apiguard or home made thymol treatments can be used in a season? If I remember corectly from the box, Apiguard can be used up to twice a year. Thanks.
  4. Red Bee


    Or Ivy
  5. Red Bee

    Varroa Controller

    Do you think its a good idea?
  6. Red Bee

    Varroa Controller

    A varroa incubator lol
  7. Red Bee

    Varroa Controller
  8. Red Bee

    Honey processing Help

    Hi bee crazy How much honey have your bees produced? I noticed from your previous posts that you expanded to 80 hives quite quickly, has it gone ok?
  9. Red Bee


    Well I think there very impressive, good job.
  10. Red Bee

    Laying of egg

    Quite interesting video if I could understand the language. I managed to watch most of it but there is a very interesting bit at 4 mins 50 secs watch it!! The Q seems to lay an egg out of the cell then suck it back in or??
  11. Red Bee

    Mice & supers

    Well was gonna give the frames a quick squirt with water jobs a good'un lol
  12. Red Bee

    Mice & supers

    Hi all Need advice, I have a super in storage with frames drawn out but unfortunately a mouse gained entry. I got to the mouse before it did too much damage, what I would like to know is can I put it back on a hive. Bearing in mind there was a few droppings & probably urine!! Thanks.
  13. Red Bee

    Bee cam

    Hello all Have a look at the Sysonby Knoll BeeCam, very interesting at the moment. Q cell on camera!! Cheers
  14. Red Bee

    Q cups

    Hello all Inpected the bees today & found some Q cups, which is fine but i looked in one & it was created round the opening to a cell. Like an emergency cell would be created but the was no egg in there. Normally I find Q cups made as a whole unit in itself. Anybody else seen this before? All...
  15. Red Bee

    Great British Food Revival

    Its available to watch now, better be good lol
  16. Red Bee

    Great British Food Revival

    It's still not on the Iplayer! However the one from last night is. Must be because I want to watch it!!!!
  17. Red Bee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    M,M Quote "possibly a failing queen or just mis fire queen taking time to start or perhaps DWV as the hive had a 5000 drop or well could be cold spell chilled the brood "......or What will your treatment be for the varroa?
  18. Red Bee

    what is this noise in the hive?

    Mine made that noise last season, they chewed a new entrance for themselves!
  19. Red Bee

    5 acres

    I haven't heard of Knapweed I'll look it up. PH testing soil as I type, find out what condition the soil is in.
  20. Red Bee

    5 acres

    Hello all, I possibly have a field that I could plant up with bee friendly plants. It is in Cornwall so acidic soil. The field will be left for hay so this would have to be included in the grand scheme of it. Now my question what would people suggest to plant? Ps I can also get seeds in big...