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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    DOH! Looking like Homer - First Year Beekeeper

    Many thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. Glad to know I'm not the only one addicted to bee watching! X
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    First Time Honey Harvest Question

    Thanks so much for your kind replies, I'm near Great Horkesley on Spratt's Marsh [CO6 area of Colchester] and have lots of Brambles around this area as well as some willow herb so that is probably what they've been gathering. I'm also only about a mile away from Cant's Rose Gardens so was...
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    First Time Honey Harvest Question

    Hi there, Thanks for you reply, No I haven't fed the bees any syrup or anything at all, its just from whatever they've foraged themselves. Sky
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    DOH! Looking like Homer - First Year Beekeeper

    Hi All, This is my first year keeping bees after dreaming of doing so for many, many years. I have a 6 acre smallholding in Essex and at the beginning of the year managed to get a huge pile of WBC outer hive parts for about £60 on eBay. They were very old with paint peeling off and a few repairs...
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    First Time Honey Harvest Question

    Hi All, After reading up about and longing for bees for about 8 years I actually took the plunge and this year I bought 4 very old and tatty WBC hives and renovated them all. I obtained 2 nuc's and 2 full colonies from a nearby beekeeper and they were all homed in the new hives between the...