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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    Compost bin colony..

    I had a compost bin colony last year they do seems to like them for some reason.
  2. R


    The only time i get stung is when they go though a re queen or one gets really lucky. Normaly there fine and not waspy and you could sit out side there hive all day with out problems though i wouldnt advise this there not bad bees. I Always wear my BBwear suit with out fail when iam working on...
  3. R


    Since haveing bees some 14months ago all has been going grate. Up to 2 hives and a nuc maybe two nuc`s soon. Iam 25 so quite young and fit not over weight. So getting to the point. But reguards sings 1st was a red dot 2nd zize of 2p 3rd red lump then the 4th 4 days ago got me though my bee...
  4. R

    What type of frames to go for ?

    Thanks for the heads up :D
  5. R

    What type of frames to go for ?

    Iam finding my DN4 way too small now. As above 14x12 or Double brood ? Hive are both WBC, bees are carnis inside the hive and really build up fast two years on the trot so time to change! Nearly bought the 14x12 last week, but thought twice as maybe there is another way of thinking ? From...
  6. R

    Bees will not build super comb

    What polyhive says works fine for me everytime ;)
  7. R

    Carniolan bees temper

    My bees are all carniolan from eastern euro zone. They are very well behavied and not aggressive. Do swarm easy but part and parcel i guess just use good swarm conrtol keeps on top of them. But i have only used these type of bees so iam limted to what i can say.
  8. R

    Quick requeen question

    Thanks for the quick reply :hurray:
  9. R

    Two queen hive system

    Anyone run a dubble queen hive, as in a single hive with dubble drood box but with two queens ? Its meant to produce impressive honny yealds. Just wondering if anyone has tryed or does.
  10. R

    Quick requeen question

    After an emergence requeen has begun when should the excess QC be removed in days after egg in cups and how meany should be left in the hive ? As i guess if there are to meany QC they would split with casts from the hive. Which are not productive with a hunny crop. Just wondering for my own...
  11. R

    new bees

    Grate to hear with the bees
  12. Photo005K


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  19. My apiary

    My apiary

  20. R


    A cup of petrol works on wasps really well so i guess it works just as well, just dont ignite it ;) The fumes suffocate them