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  1. L

    Trailer Bees

    Here in NZ we have thousands of acres, of a desirable nectar source ... getting to it can be troublesome, most areas come under DOC ( dept of conservation ) some privately owned, and so are leased out to beeks, at considerable cost ... the honey is so valuable that some hopper the hives into...
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    Wasp catcher

    HA ha good response,.... Ah come on, you chaps must be well behind the times, If you don't know what a WAP trap is, ... move to another hobby, lol & I see your not mind readers either, ... let me find that info on the trap image John G, ...Yes I know all about that fipronil, am trialling...
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    Wasp catcher

    Can someone with computer skills please post this picture of a wap trap while on the subject : any one come across a tricky CHEAP trap ? ta ...robbie
  4. L

    Spring feeding

    yes well ! I'm going to string feed and use substitute pollen patties.... we avoid using real pollen for the fear of spreading AFB I,ve 22 hives to split once they are up and running late spring ...think what i'll do is start a new hive atop the original with a modified cloake or snelgrove...
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    Spring feeding

    most commercial keepers here in NZ spring feed sugar syrup and pollen patties the idea is to stimulate hive growth by mimicking spring ... what strength syrup do you feed ? some here just carry on with winter strength 2 sugar / 1 water others go 1 to 1 ....I think 1:1 mimics nectar flow...
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    2 Queen hives

    2 queen hive yes we have side tracked a little ( a lot ) " Modern queens lay so much, that you do not need 2-queen colonies." ... mmmm... queens are a bit variable I haven't done this myself, so I can't draw any conclusions i'm really thinking ... if you have a strong hive, place an...
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    2 Queen hives

    Ta for the replies ... ahhh so, we're on the wrong track, ... my fault, i'm meaning 2 queen BOX hive .. BUT keeping the queen in each box apart with an excluder system. How you would ever run 2 qn's in one box ( excepting mother / daughter sometimes ) must be high on impossible
  8. L

    2 Queen hives

    any person with experience? mostly interested in using this system to get splits up and running much more quickly... Miller claims a good functioning hive can support a hive 4x as great,... can this not be used to help a new queen build up quickly ?
  9. L


    hi fella's, robbie from Te Puke, Bay of Plenty New Zealand 7 years total in the game, 3 as commercial .. plenty of disasters along the way