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  1. L

    Piping Queen

    finman / google, ... same thing I thought
  2. L

    Piping Queen

    Virgins are piping before departure... mating flights or virgin swarm ? Ah well, I think I split 'em as best I could, 1) piping Q & old cells top box, so if the old cells don't hatch, still got a Q that is unlikely to swam ( plenty of room ) 2) bottom box has 5 reasonable looking cells...
  3. L

    Piping Queen

    1st time i've heard a strange, singing or I suppose you could call it piping sound / call. From a hive that has swarmed about 8 +/- days ago. Still looked really active last couple of days, I was a bit suspicious, found 2 old cells on one and about 5 emergency or supersedure cells on another...
  4. L


    Simple situation here in most parts of Nth Is NZ ....disgustingly wet spring, very hard to open up and rummage around looking for Q/c, all I could do was see how much action at the landing board and count the number of bees bringing pollen in per minute, anything above 25 and the warning bells...
  5. L


    caught 2 swarms ( ha ha, my own ) boxed up and checked 4-6 days later, the girls have been hard at it, but ( arhhhhh ! )no eggs in either of them ? and had a carefull look for her, could be hiding I'm absolutely NO expert on swarms, but I checked the old swarmed box, lots of s / cells, but...
  6. L

    points of the compass

    to be honest Finman, those are very good averages, ... but at the end of the season I could walk away with 4 tonne of honey and 50 splits, that's what counts too me
  7. L

    Bulk wholesale prices

    sounds as if you chaps struggle over there. My 1st season as a semi com neted me close to $5000 from 16 hives, the following season, $3000, and I lost all my hives bar 3 ...[/B]VARROA[B], I just dropped the ball. End of last season a true com helped out, and we just split and split, as of...
  8. L

    points of the compass

    check you zoology and country of origin.. ... try pulling your head out of the sand
  9. L

    points of the compass

    1a) So, your not as clever as you look eh? ..... check you zoology and country of origin.. we had several species of Moa here, not lawn Moa's either 2a) 36kg
  10. L

    points of the compass

    Hey brother, thanks for the effort on that reply. ... very interesting A couple of things are becoming evident here, hobbyists V commercial, one is crowing about Kgs / hive, the other walks to the bank with Kgs of honey money, iv'e been in both situations, and the bk/ing practices are poles...
  11. L

    points of the compass

    perhaps you could bring your 4 hives over here, and see how you get on ! now there's a challenge for you, your 4 hives anywhere you like V someone else's 20 hives / spot ... see who gets the $'s
  12. L

    points of the compass

    frankly, you couldn't pick a worse example of national research to base any constructive data on. If you asked an Aussie, " which way to the nearest pub, or rest house " then you would get factual answers :facts:
  13. L

    points of the compass

    yes Finman, you are right, there is a limit to how many hives / site ... or an optimum, how do you judge that number ? ... as an example, you say 4, but you could be leaving nectar on the table, So back to the original question :::: is there a right/wrong way for an individual hive to extract...
  14. L

    Two queen colonies

    Timing,.... when is the main flow ? ... for how long ? if you dispense with the Q, it'll take around 30 +/- days before the hive is up and running again, so not only do you reap 30 +/- days of honey, but a new Q as well to winter over, mmmm ... maybe i'm totally totally wrong
  15. L

    Two queen colonies

    i'm just about to have ago at rearing a q/c or v/queen atop a working body. The object of the system is to give support to the new upper queen once she is laying, by having an abundant source of food / heat / nurse bees from below the box divider is a piece of 25mm eps foam, in one corner (...
  16. L

    Two queen colonies

    sounds like a LACK of pollen at the 1st site to me ... then again, I could be totally totally wrong
  17. L

    points of the compass

    So you noticed ..... yes I ask the same question on both sides of the pond the replies are usually similar, but different ! ,,, if you imply they don't know what their doing, or refute their reason, .. ****, it's like stick'n ya head in a wasp nest, they are so patriotic, i's nearly beyond belief
  18. L

    points of the compass

    maybe 20 hives these hives probably have I would guess at, one + km in every direction of wall to wall clover, how long is clover flowering ? old timers recon 15 hives in any one spot is maximum, from the little I know, seems about right
  19. L

    points of the compass

    (apart from the propensity of those in the Southern hemisphere to cheat at rugby) hahaha you fella's should take up a girlie's sport... like net ball ( oops, we thrash you at that as well, bugger ) good replies, the NZ'er Harry Cloak ( cloake board ) arranged his breeding stock in circles...