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  1. L

    Wiring board

    Why aren't you using plastic all in one frames/ foundation ... or wood frames with plastic foundation ?
  2. L

    bulk winter feeding

    Internal sugar / syrup, feeders are the norm here. So as you / I, expand hive #'s more and more feeders are required to service these hives for little more than 4>5 months I was lead to believe, that feeding outside the hive, promoted robbing in a multi hive apiary. Re-thinking the idea...
  3. L

    Wild honey

    " Can I charge a premium for my wld honey " sounds like it may be very rare? I would !
  4. L

    speedy increase

    Ah yes ! ... good point. .....although it's been a very awkward spring & early summer. ( cool if not cold early morning and temps fall quickly come evening to around 12 * c , Sunny days 21 > 25 *c we have gusty winds. Many of my spring splits have superseded twice Yes, as FINMAN alludes...
  5. L

    speedy increase

    not at $ 45 a pop I ain't, ...... ignore he type of Q and size of the original hive to be split .... FINMAN touches on it, ...... i'm thinking that a nuc of twice the size, will expand much more quickly, and can then be split again than 4 X nucs
  6. L

    Hot Wax Dipping of hives and equipment

    here, .... or read the entire blurb, ....
  7. L

    speedy increase

    Imagine a good strong hive with 8 frames of brood / eggs, am I better off to split this into 4 X nucs with 3 X new vir Q's, ......or, split it into 2 X 4 frame hives, one with a new VQ, wait for a period of time and then split these two again when I say better off, .... which scenario, would...
  8. L

    Condensation in polynuc

    How thick are the ' PAYENS ' box sides / floor / roof Do you use water based acrylic paint
  9. L

    looking for water or storing it

    It's called " continental drift "
  10. L

    Ibuprofen in syrup mix?

    I found out about this stuff years ago, it stops AFB, dead in it's tracks
  11. L

    rolta plastics

    Yes they have to draw out wax for the cells, but they use a lot less in doing so with this foundation Why not make your own foundation. looks easy, but would be a PITA Pre waxing is V important for non wax foundation, I do it by melting a slab of wax in an old saucepan with hot water, on an...
  12. L

    rolta plastics

    The rolta cells are a lot deeper than other plas/wax foundation i've seen, therefore less wax required to complete a cell 1) So if a hive can produce 'x' amount of wax/time period ... logics say the foundation is completed more quickly 2) Logics again would say ... less wax production/frame...
  13. L

    rolta plastics

    I'm using their vacuum formed plastic foundation. ... having great results bees seem to build up cells V quickly I would say better than wax, and way better than the solid injection moulded foundation. Anyone else ?
  14. L

    Problems in Manuka honey industry

    MPI have nothing to do with the UMF brand, .. yet Yes and CONvita now own the branding, and the Co have been lobbying the guvment hard out for years. Convita have used some cunning moves to secure a massive foot hold in the NZ honey industry. What used to be the NBA ( national beekeepers...
  15. L

    Problems in Manuka honey industry

    Yep, they say all good things come to an end, unfortunately this ain't a good thing. So I guess it's gunna come to a sticky end a bit more quickly. And when it does, it'll taint all our good honeys, which may end up being worthless in overseas markets. Wonder who makes Marmite and Germolene...
  16. L

    Problems in Manuka honey industry

    This is crap ... " Although Maori people had used manuka honey as a wound dressing for years, " the apiculture industry was wary of the product, as it was tricky to work with, ... haha, yeah, ... what they won't tell you is that the friggin rubbish has a very limited shelf life, " On the...
  17. L

    Ratnieks a no insulation and winter ventilation advocate

    I had a petrol V6 L200 twin cab that I brought in new from New Zealand in 2002 tell me, why would you do that ?
  18. L

    Which heather honey press to buy?

    have a look o the inter web to see how us guys extract jelly like honey ( manooka ) some fellas strip the wole comb from plastic frames and mash and centrifuge
  19. L

    Piping Queen

    Ah yes, a lovely poem, we recite , or read it 3 - 4 weeks before harvest, with our neighbours.
  20. L

    Piping Queen

    mmmm, ..possible multitude of reasons, will assemble a research team and let you know the results for a fee