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  1. L

    cleaning queen excluders

    soak in a bleach solution and scub with a nylon bristle brush ( sodium hypo chloride )
  2. L

    sugar syrup ratio(wax drawing)

    In the real world, what is the natural sugar % / vol of nectar .... I understand it can vary considerably 40 % / vol would be the tops the bees obviously manipulate the concentration of sugars to suit ...either by mixing with water, evaporating excess moisture or blending different...
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    Best book on Queen Rearing

    I think Cook worked with Harry Cloake here in NZ and took a lot of Harry's ideas back to the UK. ...whether he modified Harry's technique to any advantage or corrupted them to your disadvantage... who knows
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    French honey price

    Should be a book on how to market crap and make money from honey .... this is all clever marketing of a honey that supposedly has medicinal properties that's better your average clover type,... what a load of utter crap .... these charletins are fleecing the stupid Chinese like there's no...
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    Issac Hopkins

    mmmm. wellI consider the reply confusing, it's bordering on what us simple kiwi's call DD or DF double dutch or double finnish hahaha ... i'm hoping Ian comes back with answers to the other questions
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    Issac Hopkins

    Thanks FINMAN i'll review the MILLAR FRAME
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    Issac Hopkins

    can you expand on this post a little .... ** I thought the idea of the Hopkins method was to eliminate grafting altogether ** Hopkins / Millar method ? ** I got the idea from David Woodward ... any more information on that ? ta
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    Issac Hopkins

    thanks HIVEMAKER ... I have that in my references yes thanks POLYHIVE ....I only need 5 or six at a time over the next 4 months
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    Issac Hopkins

    method of producing Q/C's a good kiwi, but doesn't claim to be the inventor of this system anyone here tried it ??
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    Sugar Prices

    OK, ... i'm getting closer, ... I don't think I ask the right questions to start with. So you have a 150 + lt container ( large removeable lid ) old HWC with the thermostat at max or deleted so you get V hot water ( 80 lts ) .... pump to agitate ?
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    Devon hornet sighting urgent

    Can you elaborate on the last sentence Peter , what exactly goes on behind the scenes.... ta
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    Sugar Prices

    mmmm, ... only leaves two questions thanks, and let's take the the 10 kg amount out of one of the questions
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    Sugar Prices

    1) Does anyone use commercial sugar syrup, SG about 1.66 2) How many Kg are you dissolving at a time. 10, 100, 1000 ? and how are you doing a 1000 at a time
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    First honey harvest.

    there are new trial standards, up for discussion, published by MPI, ( ministry of primary industries ) this whole debate on what is ' MANUKA ' honey is, and how to identify it's quality &c The whole manuka industry is corrupt!!! ...where's there is BIG money, there's bad people ...RIGHT ? If...
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    Eggs not hatching

    Have you investigated ?
  16. L

    Eggs not hatching

    are they bringing in pollen ? should be truck loads if they are serious about raising brood.... I understand that bees will devour the young b4 capping if there is a dearth of pollen ( protein ).... eggs = protein
  17. L

    First honey harvest.

    Holy cow ! in $ NZ, that's about $29.40 / kilo Factory honey in the shop here is $ 21 > 26 (This is multiflora, & not manuka with any activity value ) If I sell bulk to a processor. maybe $10.5 > 12 a kilo would you be interested in fogging a coupe of 300 k drums off ?
  18. L

    Air conditioners

    so here you have it, SHINYSIDEUP you said beehives. means you have more than one, so personally i'd try it I have done something similar, but it was a board separating 2 stacked hives, & I noticed bees clustering outside. A wedge of wood , opened up the whole front face X 6 mm and of course...
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    Air conditioners

    The only other comment is, if the bees aren't working to ventilate, they must be saving on fuel ..... which means more available for nectar / pollen gathering
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    Air conditioners

    I don't think I have a theory on hive ventilation, but i'm certainly experimenting. I presume you have a hive mat / crown board, and steel lid. You could try removing the lid, crack open one corner of the mat say 1 to 2 mm, & put the lid back on, see what happens, best get some other opinions...