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  1. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Hi James, another one of these things with differing views. I've only ever reused jars to family back about 20years ago I think some beekeepers re sterilise the jars and lids. My comment was slightly tongue in cheek as I've costed new jars in my costs. But my customer has given me an idea to...
  2. Dibbler

    So Frustrating.

    Thank you. I will do it as soon as it stops pouring. 7pm hopefully. Will make up more BB frames/ foundation. Plus syrup today.
  3. Dibbler

    So Frustrating.

    Since my stroke, my beekeeping knowledge, which was quite good ( had bees for 25 yrs ) is now like reading a very large book with bits of or whole chapters missing. I've collected a swarm. ( story in what Do you do in Apiary today ) As today is pouring with rain no bees are flying. So I was...
  4. Dibbler

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Woke up yesterday to discover a swarm hanging in the yew tree. I know that are not from any of my resident bees as I inspected everything 5 days ago and no queen cells on any bb or supers. So only one they could have come from was new colony that took up residence in a spare hive 2 weeks ago...
  5. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    One of my customers text me to say how gorgeous the honey was and how much she loved the hexagonal jar as it will make a great candle holder. ( darn it ) :confused: I'm thinking basic round jars next year lol.
  6. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Thank you everyone for all your replies. You have helped me so much. :)
  7. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    I live in a rural part of Norfolk. No one sells honey within 5 miles of me. £7.00 for 340g being a small beekeeper like myself. There are 2 commercial producers around 8 and 10 miles away. Their prices are between £8 340g and £9.50 454g. My 1st winter/spring honey I've sold for £5 340g. I...
  8. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    May I ask roughly where in the UK ? Reading everything it seems location has a bearing on the price.
  9. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Reading everything here. I'm almost decided to increase my summer honey 340g to £6.00. Labels 10.00 per 100. Jars I'm still researching if I can get them cheaper at .60p I have no travel costs as mine are on my land. I just need to cover my costs and give me money for replacement kit and maybe...
  10. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Sorry forgot to say. My jars are 340g/12oz. After jar and label costs it works out at £4.20.
  11. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Sorry. Forgot to say. My jars are 340gm/ 12oz.
  12. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Update, I've sold all my spring honey. 2 jars to a family with primary school children who called in on the walk home from school. They are going to visit when I inspect my hives one weekend. 2 local shops would like to take some of my next lot of honey. Do I charge them £5.00 as I do to...
  13. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    What a great idea ! All my hives are visible through the glass from my conservatory. I sell to all age groups. Our postie is early 20's. I will investigate your idea madasafish. Thank you for all the replies. I don't feel so at sea in my stroke brain.
  14. Dibbler

    Honey price 2024

    Wonderful. Thank you WoodenBeam.
  15. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Thank you Enrico, I'm not sure about me using an honesty box. At the moment I'm selling to my husbands bowls club, the local postman. In the surrounding villages 16 mile radius of me. Honey prices vary from £6.50 to £9.00 for 240gm to 340gm. There doesn't seem to be any set price for the area...
  16. Dibbler

    Advice for pricing please.

    Hello. I hope I'm posting in the right place. I have returned to bee keeping after a break due to a large stroke. A lot of things have changed, pricing of honey being one. I've done my new labels to be legal now. Am I right in thinking that the area and roughly what other beekeepers charge is...
  17. Dibbler

    Honey price 2024

    posted in wrong place sorry.
  18. Dibbler

    Returning beekeeper

    Hello, I started beekeeping 40 years ago. Did it for 28 years. Then I had a stroke and had to stop. Gave all my equipment away. 3 Years ago I restarted with my husbands help. ( lifting supers full of honey ) I have 5 hives in my garden. I'm lucky to have a large garden on the edge of my small...