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  1. M

    How many splits can you make from just 2 colonies in one season?

    I have been keeping about 10 full colonies + a few nucs for about 5years now.
  2. M

    How many splits can you make from just 2 colonies in one season?

    I will be buying frames. I have made some before but they are very time-consuming. I have got one new apiary site for next year that's about 5miles from me, still am looking for a few more though.
  3. M

    How many splits can you make from just 2 colonies in one season?

    I am pretty good at woodwork, so am planning an building most of my equipment myself in the next few weeks. Will save a lot of money on building it myself then buying equipment from a supplier.
  4. M

    How many splits can you make from just 2 colonies in one season?

    He first aimed for 40 splits from 1 hive, but later saw that it was possible to split these 40 splits again later in the season and end the season with 80 splits.
  5. M

    How many splits can you make from just 2 colonies in one season?

    He reckoned you could split 1 colony that's on double brood into 80 nucs in 1 season. But he ran out of free-time, money and equipment so only manged 20 splits from 1 hive, however these 20 splits had already outgrown there nuc box by mid June.
  6. M

    How many splits can you make from just 2 colonies in one season?

    Hi, Next year I am planning on splitting 2 of my beehives into as many nucs as possible. All my hives are on a double brood right now. What would the best method of splitting these hives be? I heard that you get better results if you add a mated queen instead of adding a queen cell or letting...
  7. M

    Is the Dave-Cushman beekeeping website down?

    This is would happens when I go to the Dave Cushman site. It says Site Not Found. I first presumed it was down but I now see that it works fine with a different browser.
  8. M

    2 frame nucs for national frames.

    Would it work to feed fondant in summer?
  9. M

    2 frame nucs for national frames.

    Would you make a eke for the jar to sit in? Or have no roof just a crown board with a hole for the jar feeder?
  10. M

    2 frame nucs for national frames.

    I would be using the 2-frame nuc the same as an apidea. I just give 2 frames with a starter strip of foundation add some bees and a few days later add a queen cell. I am just not sure what to do for a feeder?
  11. M

    2 frame nucs for national frames.

    Any reason why you would prefer a 3-frame nuc for queen mating? What would you use as a feeder? I looked into using a 3-frame nuc with 2 frames of foundation and 1 frame feeder.
  12. M

    Is the Dave-Cushman beekeeping website down?

    Sorry!! Tried again on a different browser and it works fine now. Chrome does not seem to support the website for a strange reason. Thanks for your help.
  13. M

    Is the Dave-Cushman beekeeping website down?

    Hi, Is the Dave Cushman beekeeping website down? I have been trying for the last 6 months to get on it but every time I try it says Site Not Found. I hope the problem will be fixed as it was a great website for beekeeping. Thanks.
  14. M

    2 frame nucs for national frames.

    Hi, Next year I am going to try queen rearing for the first time. I have decided to use 2 frame nucs with national frames as the mating boxes. I will be making about 20 of these in the coming weeks. Any advice and tips on building these? What would you use as a feeder? Would you make these from...
  15. M

    Best Queen Rearing Method

    Hi, Just wondering what you would recommend as the best queen rearing method for someone who has never reared queens before. I have been keeping bees few a few years now but have never reared my own queens. Next year I am planning on splitting many of my beehives and will require quite a lot of...