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  1. E

    winter feeding

    On the subject of thymol - what are the advantages of adding it to syrup?
  2. E

    winter feeding

    I thought the water content of syrup would be too much for the bees in Winter?? I always feed fondant..
  3. E

    Best Time to Inspect Hive

    12pm to 2pm I was told was best. Sun at its highest in sky and more likely that more bees will be out gallivanting.
  4. E

    Drone laying Queen / supersedure

    Been laying about 2 weeks. Yeah,was thinking it’s risky to wait on her potentially coming good.. (Have another new Q in a nuc, similar age and she’s doing great.)
  5. E

    Drone laying Queen / supersedure

    What is HM? Her majesty? Yes I think a test frame is the best plan. Gain a QC or two from fresh eggs , and proceed from there QC there at present looks fairly good , but.. since the majority of brood seems to be drones, I would Be taking a chance hoping that QC will be a good one ..
  6. E

    Drone laying Queen / supersedure

    Yes.... I wondered about that myself. Obviously drone eggs can’t be made into Queen cells?? I’m sure there’s more worker eggs/larvae there, but mostly the cells that are sealed are drones. But as I say , the laying pattern is good.. so. It’s obviously not Laying Workers....
  7. E

    Drone laying Queen / supersedure

    New queen must not have mated properly. She is laying in good pattern but the only cells sealed are Drone brood. Very very few workers. New Queen cells have started. Bees obviously know there’s a problem with her My question is ..... If this is supersedure , will the DL Queen fly off with a...
  8. E

    Bees on the ground/grass : Acarine?

    No more dead bees at entrance. I’m thinking poisoning. Or read something about bad pollen from maybe buttercups. Anyway, will continue to monitor.
  9. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    So.... Luckily, the Queen in the hive has started to lay,, so I didn’t leave it Q-less after all... But, I will bear in in mind the advice on Tearing Down Q-cells.. the first emerged Q could have swarmed even if not mated!
  10. E

    Apiguard in a Nuc

    Yes I was wondering how to do this myself
  11. E

    Proposed new site.

    Surely your bees will encounter spraying somewhere within their flight range? There’s probably loads of fields and crops... or even gardens being sprayed, and there’s no way we know everyone (or when, what. and where they spray) within a bees range.
  12. E

    Bees on the ground/grass : Acarine?

    Sunday and today, no bees on the ground or grass.. Been readin about CBPV, it states I’d likely see a number on the ground each day. But I’ve not had any really for 2 days. And... I’ve not seen K-wing or hairless bees.. Ted hooper mentions spray poisoning - that CBPV can be confused with...
  13. E

    Bees on the ground/grass : Acarine?

    Last checked hive 2 days ago. Now 100+ on the bricks I have beneath entrance, a lot dead but a few still wriggling. Plus,, maybe about 20 bees or more climbing on the grass just in front of bricks. I’m thinking Acarine. Bees haemolymph being sucked out by the mites,-And zapping bees of...
  14. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    I thought that.
  15. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    Can you explain ‘springing’?
  16. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    I hope that’s is the Case here..
  17. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    Yes I think I may have missed the second QC.. I do have a nuc box, with a newly emerged Q in it. Not laying yet. will monitor that,and see what my options are
  18. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    Oh right,well ill explain....... Q was in hive, but missed one QC. Obviously original Q swarmed. Went in today,QC opened, has been 3/4 days by my calculations . Didn’t spot her though. No eggs. Found another sealed QC though,so tore it down as the recently emerged Q should be out getting...
  19. E

    Tearing down Q cells question

    If in the process of tearing down Queen cells , a Virgin Queen escaped out onto the frame (and you lost her in the crowd): 1. Would she be accepted or killed by the workers? 2. Would she actually be a fully matured Queen , able to mate and lay ( if she hadn’t he hadn’t actually gone...
  20. E

    Making up a Nuc box - have I got this right?

    I suppose I can move the best QC into a nuc. Check hive a few days later and if there are fresh eggs, she’s obviously still in there. Then see if the QC emerges in nuc and starts laying. If the original hive continues to make QC’s, I can do an artificial swarm at a later date. I need to...