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  1. E

    Damp problem

    No holes. I have 50mm insulation, put in recently. So I will monitor if that makes a difference
  2. E

    Damp problem

    Top not empty of bees, but not packed either. I been toying with the idea of reducing to one brood box over winter. I decided earlier that I would, so your post reinforces my decision
  3. E

    Damp problem

    I have a wooden hive.., I assumed either condensation or a leak. I Will try wrapping and insulation. Have a double brood on. Might increased space cause condensation?
  4. E

    Damp problem

  5. E

    Damp problem

    Just did a quick check before closing up for winter. I have a double brood..... and Found damp around the back of both boxes, and little pools of water along where the frame runners are... I assume the water gets in between the gaps of the brood boxes, and the gap between brood box and...
  6. E

    Overwintering and number of Brood Boxes/Supers

    Upper B.B. would probably shade it for stores. Difficult to add up, but upper box would have more full frames of honey.
  7. E

    Overwintering and number of Brood Boxes/Supers

    I have the super above the brood box. And now that I’ve just typed that... I’ve just realised that I have two broods, not a brood and a super :rolleyes: God I’m an awful eejit :D
  8. E

    Syrup question

    Doesn’t have any relevance to my current situation...... But..... when feeding syrup, will the bees always feed on it for instant energy use? Or do they sometimes store it in the frames? And how would you know if they were storing it? Just wondered come harvest, how you would know if you’re...
  9. E

    Overwintering and number of Brood Boxes/Supers

    National. Colony fairly strong with good numbers in brood box. Not a massive number in Super though Super has 4/5 full frames of honey. With some unsealed in a couple other Frames..
  10. E

    Overwintering and number of Brood Boxes/Supers

    I have a brood box and super on. And I’m just wondering if the total space is too big? Should it be condensed to a brood box only? Or will the bees be fine clustering no matter how many boxes are on?
  11. E

    Cleaning a Poly Nuc

    Best method of cleaning the inside of a Poly nuc, and for storing it over winter?
  12. E

    Queen just flew off - not sure if she returned

    She was laying.. I’m presuming she was poorly mated. She did return though. I spotted her earlier.., I had to squish her though , as I united my nuc with the hive. Hopefully it goes well..
  13. E

    Queen just flew off - not sure if she returned

    Yes, she probably knew my plan!! :D Chances are she’s back home then? PS. Has anyone witnessed this happening?
  14. E

    Queen just flew off - not sure if she returned

    Was closing up hive when noticed Queen along the top of frames, then she suddenly just flew off.... Kept an eye on hive for a while afterwards. She returned around the entrance 5 or 6 times. There were a few bees following her along front of hive. I wasn’t sure if they were trying to get her...
  15. E

    Uniting a Nuc and Hive

    Oh right.., I just thought if she wasn’t clipped, she could return to the hive. The method you suggest might come in handy, as I haven’t yet spotted her during inspections. So....... when the bees return to the new hive/frames/comb, how long is ideal before uniting? Could I do it...
  16. E

    Uniting a Nuc and Hive

    I assume you suggest doing that to get rid of the dud Queen? But she’s not clipped so she will find her way back to hive Can I ask why you’d replaCe hive and frames?... won’t that give them too much work to do drawing out the frames at this time of the year?
  17. E

    Uniting a Nuc and Hive

    Nuc was made up when Q in hive was doing very well Since then that Q swarmed from hive, and now I have this seemingly DL Queen. Last workers to emerge from old (good) Queen would have been around end of July, so their 6 week lifespan would be drawing to a close. But current Q has produced some...
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    Uniting a Nuc and Hive

    No, that’s all I have. Do you mean just dump the bees? There’s plenty of workers too. Surely the nuc could do with them?
  19. E

    Uniting a Nuc and Hive

    Queen in hive laying mostly drones. Nearly sure it’s not LW’s, as fresh eggs are in a good pattern and mostly at cell bottom. That hive is not obviously building up. Lots of drones there, and the season getting on. So........ Have a 6 frame nuc , Q laying really well.. building up...
  20. E

    winter feeding

    Where is the best place to buy thymol?.. Would local bee suppliers have it?