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  1. D

    Dead Queen outside hive?

    Thanks for the advice much appreciated! When I suggested a squished queen was conceivable I really consider it to be very unlikely! I was uber careful but thought I would preempt the suggestion before someone else, I'm hopeful my queen has already been superseded. Only time will tell! I agree...
  2. D

    Dead Queen outside hive?

    Ok I caught a swarm about 4 weeks ago, in a brood box and a super (no QX between the two) Yesterday I went in with frames and foundation prepared to put in. The queen had been laying in the super I could see lavi and brood but no eggs (possibly I just didn't see them doesn't mean they weren't...
  3. D

    Hello From London

    Thanks for the advice Duchy! We are in Business:winner1st: Took the roof and cover board off today, I have 5 Super frames covered in bees, off to park tomorrow to buy some more foundation. Very happy to now be able to call my self officially a bee keeper and not just a hive keeper!
  4. D

    Hello From London

    Hello 😃 I'm a new bee keeper in London.....well to be precise I'm not sure if I'm a beekeeper yet or not, but I have 3 hives. My family has always kept bees (in sunny Wales) so I sort of know what I'm doing but well aware that I probably know very little! I set up three catch hives late last...