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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    How long will eggs survive?

    My colony may be queenless and I have been recommended to beg a frame of eggs from another bee keeper to add to the hive so they can create a new queen. My question is how long can a frame of eggs survive out of the hive and how should I transport them? Any other advice on adding the frame to my...
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    Hi Hallshoney Yes, I joined last year and got my colony through one of their members. Then forgot to renew my membership so had six months without contact but am a member again now. I would really like to meet bee keepers in the Ilfracombe area but haven't managed to yet, in particular to...
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    I Panicked!

    My hive swarmed yestrrday for the second time this week. Actually, a cloud of bees came out of the hive on Wednesday, clustered on a tree very close to the hive and by the time I had got suited up to investigate, had disappeared. Did they go back to the hive? Anyway on Thursday, another...
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    Hello to all the forum members. I am a relatively inexperienced bee keeper, recently moved to North Devon from Jersey. I kept bees for a few years in the 80's before varroa was invented (!) and then for a couple of seasons in Jersey before we returned to the UK. Unfortunately, Jersey suffered...