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  1. C

    Roof off :(

    They are at the end of my very long garden with no rear access so not too many worries about vandals... Right, I have been down, a corner of the roof has failed due to the large rock I placed on the top. The metal reinforcer has bent, and the screw has come out. This then made the crownboard...
  2. C

    Roof off :(

    No, all kit still accounted for- just weird roof/crownboard arrangement. Will amend if I go down and find the brood box empty :eek:
  3. C

    Roof off :(

    That's my worry. There was a huge lump of rock on the top. :( Will update after I have been back down. I have covered the gap with a heavyweight blanket for now.
  4. C

    Roof off :(

    I have been down to my hives and one of the roofs is partly off as well as the crownboard :( it must have happened over night, and now I think I have probably lost a colony- no signs of life even though it is just under 10 Celsius. I am going to suit up in a bit and go sort it out...
  5. C

    dexterity v weight lifting

    Are in the local association? You could appeal for a newbee to come help you? Where roughly are your bees?
  6. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I mainly watched too- and saw the same. Some seemed so weighed down they could barely walk. If they are taking this much pollen in then there as often as they have in the past few days, there will be no room to swing a very tiny cat/mouse/varroa mite in there.
  7. C

    Stacked SN boxes

    They are great-very pleased with them. Went together a dream one I downloaded their instructions.
  8. C

    Stacked SN boxes

    Aylestone! Right up near Soar Valley way on the Glen Parva border :)
  9. C

    Stacked SN boxes

    That makes sense. I was getting worried that I had assembled them completely wrong! I am can go and get hammer happy :D
  10. C

    Stacked SN boxes

    Thank you :) I can start gluing/hammering now then :)
  11. C

    Stacked SN boxes

    Having a brain blank so beware- this is a stupid question and I am accepting of the fact that it might attract equally stupid answers just for fun :) . Building National super boxes- do they just sit on top of each other, i.e with nothing holding them together? Or have I built them wrong and...
  12. C

    First call

    Get some tiny clippers, shear them and then make and sell very small stripey jumpers :hurray:
  13. C

    How do you look at bees in winter/spring?

    Just wanting to get opinions. I use smoke, and go down dressed head to toe in suit, gloves etc same as I would doing a full inspection. If you are simply lifting the roof to have a look through the crownboard and apply fondant or a feeder, how do you do it?
  14. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Found a porter escape in the grass, and a mouseguard. Have no idea how they got there. Then, realised that my very woolly jumper had lots of bees on it and that I had no suit or gloves on. I waited stock still until they got bored and flew away, then walked very quickly away. That is what...
  15. C

    jar article:Lattice fence and hedge barriers around an apiary increase honey bee flight height and decrease stings to people nearby

    Ok. I was starting to think that I had superhuman psychic powers. Turns out I know just enough to make me dangerous (probably) bee-smillie
  16. C

    jar article:Lattice fence and hedge barriers around an apiary increase honey bee flight height and decrease stings to people nearby

    Interesting... although I thought we knew that already? :nature-smiley-013:
  17. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    All of the pollen mine were bringing in today was white too. What is that from?
  18. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Took the rocks off the top of the hives, watched bees. Ordered new kit.