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  1. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    the bees literally have 2 brood boxes. One that the queen can’t access and one that she can. Struggling to make it any clearer really. 😂
  2. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    I can’t do anything about the boxes until the old frames are clear. The box on top of that is purely for the rapid feeder. You can’t fit it under the roof otherwise. So the bees have 2 boxes right now
  3. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    Didn’t mean Musk box, that’s just my autocorrect kicking in. I meant the old brood frames full of brood are now in the top box 5 of them plus 6 empty frame with the capped comb on it that fell off the side of the frames. I’ll remove the flow frames so the box will only have the frames of eggs...
  4. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    Thanks. There were 8 and a half frames of brood but 5 frames were national ones so that’s what caused the issue I’ve tried to fix. Now there’s 10 langstroth frames in the brood box at the bottom but 5 are brand new frames while I’ve moved the ones with brood into the musk box. So I’m guessing...
  5. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    Can I just leave the 5 frames in the top box without anything either side until the brood hatches?
  6. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    Haha yeah will definitely get syrup in there while I sort this out but I’m not looking to harvest this year. Just want the. To get through the long winter Manchester usually gets. Regarding the comb I do add 5 foundationless frames initially and was lucky enough to get totally straight comb on...
  7. S

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    Hey everyone! So 5 weeks ago I received my first nuc (5 frame) Hadn’t bothered to realise they were coming on national frames. I have a flow hive so they use Langstroth frames. I broke apart my spare langstroth frames and cable tied them to the nuc frames to make them fit. 5 weeks on and all...