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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. M

    Queens, first attempt

    I've been trying queen rearing for the first time this year. I'm on my fifth round and have tried four different systems. During the first three attempts - I managed to get a small collection of cells which ultimately resulted in 5 queens, 3 of which I have wrangled into actual self supporting...
  2. M

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Spending money :) Today, I bought 5 more hives from an old beekeeper who is very, very, very begrudgingly retiring. (Bringing my current total to 27 colonies) 4 of the hives are in pretty good shape and one is on the weaker side. I think I will over winter them and in the Spring, I'll chop 'em...
  3. M

    Hello from BC's Sunshine Coast, Canada

    Winter for us starts late October and runs through March. But where I live, winter is kind of a strange term. Rainy season is better. Generally speaking we have long cold wet stretches followed by long sunny stretches and it rarely falls below zero. Snow is an excuse to stay home for the day...
  4. M

    Hello from BC's Sunshine Coast, Canada

    Hiya all - great to be here. After years of thinking about bees and never doing anything about it, this year, I was finally drawn in when I rather unexpectedly caught a swarm in my backyard! Now, I'm up to 10 colonies and growing quickly. Looking forward to communicating with you, learning...