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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. G

    Generation Bee - A campaign to cultivate new beekeepers!

    We try to answer all emails about the project. Everything we receive through the email address, mentioned in my first post, should on our radar screen and answered immediately. Not sure what happened with the message of your friend, but I will have a look if we missed something. Thanks for the...
  2. G

    Generation Bee - A campaign to cultivate new beekeepers!

    Hello, Mareike here! First of all: Thanks for all the feedback. And secondly: Sorry for not entirely sticking to the forum rules. I wasn't aware of some bits like that, I'm afraid: 'I normally receive a request asking if it's ok to pop a post on the forum when it is from a group and contains...
  3. G

    Generation Bee - A campaign to cultivate new beekeepers!

    Hello! I am writing on behalf of the Generation Bee project. We are a small team of young people who are concerned about the decline of honey bees and what this will mean for our ecosystem and future food security. Working with Dumfries-based professional beekeeper, Luisa Gonzalez (Golden Age...