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  1. G

    colonies uniting

    No, so presume if there had been a q at the early stage there wasn't at the end....probably answered my own question, but still think it unusual for them to move in across the garden to share a new home which was the the original reason for the post.
  2. G

    colonies uniting

    You are probably right, but when they arrived at the 4/5 frame bait box and were so numerous as to need double the space I (was standing in the garden when they arrived) I had an empty hive so did no more than put a piece of ply and a sheet leading up to the entrance lit my smoker and put the...
  3. G

    colonies uniting

    Reckons reason he keeps them is he has a man shed behind his bee hives and it keeps his wife and kids away.
  4. G

    colonies uniting

    My normal bees are darkish coloured, but not Cornish Black, my mate keeps those but reckons they are nasty little so and so's making me steer clear of them.
  5. G

    colonies uniting

    Yes there appeared to be brood, pollen and honey all mixed up in the super frames but mainly honey and pollen.
  6. G

    colonies uniting

    Had a prime looking swarm of beautiful golden coloured bees arrived in one of my bate boxes in early June. In fact there were so many bees half of them were hanging under the 5 frame box located on the side of my out building. Got quite exited by their arrival, as my neighbour who is a proper...