Recent content by warsaw_hive

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  1. W

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Strong smell of ivy from the hives today
  2. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    Nope the opening post was an attempt to raise the level of debate from what had been achieved before. But as per usual you had to lower it to calling somebody an idiot because you don't agree with them. Thereby putting off people who may want to write something. The bullies certainly rule...
  3. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    I swear you troll every thread I contribute to, and that mixed up reply is a perfect example. I know enough about allergies to know that people dying on planes due to breathing in peanut vapours is a myth. And having double checked that I've convinced myself than an allergy warning on honey...
  4. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    Your first three examples are exactly why if had an allergy of any sort I'd never eat out. Restaurants are chaotic places. Some places have a really high churn of staff, they can be very young or one step away from young offenders. It's bonkers to me that you would risk it. Your last example...
  5. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    Thanks for this I'll check it out. It's worth noting the recent deaths (as far as I'm aware) have all been from mislabelling or human error rather than cross contamination.
  6. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    If you know you have an allergy, then why are you ending up in A&E multiple times? Surely once is enough?
  7. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    That is a brilliant picture!
  8. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    It's actually something we should all be aware of. Like not filling up the bird feeder around supers waiting for extraction. Or pouring out the muesli next to the honey settling tank. And making other people in the family aware of this too. I know some people use ex peanut sacks as top...
  9. W

    Nut allergy labelling

    I see in the latest BBKA magazine Andy Pedley has vaguely raised the issue of adding (for those of us who use domestic kitchens for extracting etc) allergen labelling to our honey. This has been raised on here before and I think unfairly dismissed by the usual posters. Mr Pedley says this is...
  10. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    Thanks I'll check out the links. I'm very reluctant to buy direct from China, although on eBay that is becoming increasingly difficult.
  11. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    I assume it stores images away from the camera which I like the idea of.
  12. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    I was under the impression there were a lot of 'engineers' into beekeeping.
  13. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    Thanks for that. Searching eBay for buck converter came up with an adafruit MPM3610 TLV62569 board. That would probably do the job.
  14. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    Yes but there are way more honest people.
  15. W

    DIY Security camera electronics

    Could you expand on that? It's been a few decades since I messed with electronics and that was at a very basic level. Well I think I've read the built in regulator uses something like 6mA. Assuming my cheapo 2500mAh batteries actually give me something like 2/3rds of that, then they'll be...