Thanks for that, I do have a couple of jars of last springs honey that has totally crystallised so I could do as you have done and start with some of that, my own...
K ;)
I wondered about that but worried that an adulterated honey ( if that's what it is) would not necessarily be a good start for a seed..
And I do have some soft set from the local Northumberland Honey Co.
You are correct of course but strangely all the local roofers appear to be too busy to answer their phones at the minute:unsure:
My wonderful neighbour has put a tarp over the damaged area and weighed it down with decent sized rocks... should keep most, not all damp out for now.
LV insurance...
My green mineral felt roof was torn off my garage but thankfully the main house and roof is in-tact.
Now the fun begins talking to insurance Co and trying to get repairs done before too much water gets in.
Would have done at least a temp repair myself at one time but...
K :(
You might recall in september I asked if a beesting could cause a flare up of my IBD and general opinion was it could not, however my flare up worsened to the point that after removing the Apivar strips and doing a follow-up OA vape,my last involvement with the bees was to wrap them up for...
Read link and feel a lot more comfortable with what I saw now, thanks (I do subscribe to the Apiarists blog and have read it before but understand it better now)
Vaped all three colonies this morning and sealed up until spring now (unless I need to vape again around Christmas?)
Thanks again.
K ;)
Thanks both, I expected to see some brood so was a bit shocked to see none in two of my three hives, hive 3 had a small amount of sealed brood and some larvae but obviously it was a cursory inspection as I removed the apivar strips.
Queens were present on last proper inspection in September...
Allowing for regional variation among others approximately when do the Winter bees finish emerging? Is a busy but brood free colony which has just had Apivar strips removed after 8 weeks ok in the last week in October in NE England or does that indicate a problem ( like Q- )?
K ;)