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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Does honey removal affect colony survival?

    Thanks for the more comprehensive reply, RAB. I presume the acerbic tone results from your having answered these questions a number of times before? So, in conclusion, giving bees more space is a good thing and taking all the honey (provided we replace it with sugar syrup) has no adverse...
  2. T

    Does honey removal affect colony survival?

    Rooftops, Thanks for your reply - very interesting. RAB, er not really as my question was about colony survival unless your reply was designed to demonstrate my ignorance of the fact that the two are inextricably linked...
  3. T

    Does honey removal affect colony survival?

    Hi, Newbie here. I've been avidly reading up everything I can find on the net about beekeeping and I'm planning to join my local association in October. Obviously, there is currently a lot in the news about the number of bees being lost and I know the possible causes arouse strong views on all...
  4. T

    Omlet Beehaus

    I imagine it's because the Beehaus is 'two hives in one' so there are enough frames for one complete hive with two complete supers above (assuming the divider is in place to keep one half of the brood box empty). Incidentally, why doesn't one of the experienced beekeepers on here put Omlet to...
  5. T

    Omlet Beehaus

    I'm one of the many who have no doubt discovered this forum as a result of doing a Google search for 'Beehaus'. I had already been investigating beekeeping as a hobby and this news piqued my interest further. I already keep chickens and rejected the Eglu in favour of a traditional ark as the...