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  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Klarstein Biggie.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Klarstein Biggie with Like Like.
    It's basically the same as my Lidl jam makers ...mine beeps intermittently when set on constant until it reaches the set temperature...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to juno's post in the thread What's for supper? with Like Like.
    I’d like yours please.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to roche's post in the thread Raping the planet with Like Like.
    Many people are so out of touch with the natural world, they hardly know it exists, let alone consider damaging it, or not.
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Feral bees - what would you do?.
    I think boywonder has done a terrific job. I also loved the pink bee jacket ;)
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Cotswold Farm Park opportunity.
    Whatever happened to bee crazy? He used to be a forum member and kept bees on Adam's farm. Once featured in one of the Countryfile programs.
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread looking for land.
    Excellent advice from Wilco !!
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Wilco's post in the thread looking for land with Love Love.
    Go for a drive to look for farms then go knocking on doors and ask. Helps to take a jar of honey per farm even if they say no.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Lottie's post in the thread What did you do in the 'workshop' today with Angry Angry.
    It didn't heat the water tho all the lights came on. I'm disappointed...maybe my fault for getting 2nd hand without seeing it working...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread What's for supper?.
    A good chippy is worth it's weight. The chippy where I grew up is still great, unfortunately there is no such thing around here. Those...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to BeeAdmin's post in the thread What's for supper? with Love Love.
    I cook a lot and I'm interested in what other people make, so this is chicken fried rice (I had a bunch of veg and old rice) with...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Paulypaul's post in the thread What's for supper? with Like Like.
    Bernard Matthews is in the kitchen, tonight. I'll be eating the kid's leftovers.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread What's for supper? with Like Like.
    My daughter is good at pizza, but we've never quite managed to get a crispy base, despite using the heavy steel plate. Any tips? Fish &...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to The Poot's post in the thread Wind damage - storm Eowyn. with Like Like.
    Hmmm. Might be cheaper in the long run to pay someone to do it straight away. It would prevent excessive insurance costs in the future...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to enrico's post in the thread Wintering bees with Like Like.
    I think the op means he removed the top box to drizzle on the bees in the bottom box as that was where they were.