Recent content by Suze

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  1. Suze

    Newbie here

    Thanks paras for you help been looking on your you tube what a brilliant set up , i have just put my sup on and there busy doing what bees do could you tell me should I put another brood box on now thanks again for all your help and advise
  2. Suze

    Newbie here

    Thanks paras good to know about the our, I was wondering if to remove the super through winter would I be all right storing the flow frames in the freezer till need I was al so going to put another brood box on too, I am going to follow you on you tube as any info I can get is all good thanks again
  3. Suze

    New hive

    I guess the scientist have it wrong then
  4. Suze

    New hive

    Hi Ian the picture was taken from an article I was reading it was shown on my allotment site page nothing to do with my bees like I said I put it on by mistake ….. I have just introduced my first sup this last week I’m hoping they take to it ….. I do have another brood box and another sup so...
  5. Suze

    Newbie here

    Didn’t know that but I don’t think there’s any rapseed crops near me nearest fields are about 10 miles away
  6. Suze

    New hive

    The nuc that I purchased had smaller frames so had to adjust the brood box as I wasn’t sure what to do … but now I know I should of attached the frame to a foundationless frame that way it should of fitted the box
  7. Suze

    New hive

  8. Suze

    New hive

    Hi there are 10 frame in the brood box
  9. Suze

    New hive

    sorry No they are not dead bees from my hive 🐝
  10. Suze

    Newbie here

    I based in Grimsby Uk ,I will let you know but think it will be a while as I’ve only just put the sup on got the flow hive as I’m based on a allotment there are a few family’s so think it might be educational for children to come and draw there own jar of honey
  11. Suze

    New hive

    I’m afraid they are, glysophate in weed killer affects bees the microbiology of the bees it also affects there memory and makes them more vulnerable to infection wiping the bee colony out
  12. Suze

    New hive

    These where taken about a week after putting my nuc in
  13. Suze

    New hive

    Thank you for your understanding I will download some more photos hopefully they will give you a better idea
  14. Suze

    New hive

    Hi Enrico it’s not wild comb the frame is a foundationless frame the bees build a natural comb it’s very cool
  15. Suze

    New hive

    Very sorry put the wrong photo up this is not my hive this is what happen to bees when weed killer is used 😥