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  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Rodent disaster.
    Weil's disease is leptospirosis which was mentioned earlier in the thread. Also called rat fever, etc. Of course bees forage for water...
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    Sutty replied to the thread L.b.k.a..
    My best bit of advice would be to really learn the life stages; eggs, larvae, when they are capped, and when emerge for each caste. When...
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    Sutty replied to the thread Rodent disaster.
    I read years ago that about 20% of house fires are caused by rats knawing electric cables.
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    Sutty replied to the thread Rodent disaster.
    Leptospira are easy organisms to kill so I wouldn't worry about that specifically, detergent or heat will do it easily. Incidentally...
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    Sutty replied to the thread Card sales.
    I use square and have had no great problems though a new phone update failed to work for a bit a few years ago. I have a reader but my...
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    Sutty reacted to JamezF's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Haha Haha.
    I can get into my bee shed again! :D Whilst I appreciate that many of you won't quite share my excitement at the reinstatement of full...
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    Sutty replied to the thread Is it really honey?.
    Can I market my honey as; ORGANIC* *contains multiple carbon-carbon bonds.
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    It sounds like they both had significant brood breaks which may have helped with mite numbers. In your position, and interested in going...
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    Isn't that just the way of things?! 🤷‍♂️😂
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    I remember walking the west highland way one February, I was carrying so much warm kit that the effort kept me warm and I rarely needed it!
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    Sutty replied to the thread A New Asian Hornet Problem.
    So LBC have corrected it finally 😁 Maybe one of their staff is on here!
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    Do you find the fan helps? I use an old fridge which holds 3 buckets easily (i could probably fit 4) with 2x40w tube heaters but no fan...
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    There have been numerous references on multiple threads of bees being able to make use of condensation to dilute their honey stores...
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    Sutty replied to the thread Wasps nightmare.
    If it's a single hive then you could try closing the bees in, moving the hive to the side for 2 or 3 days, and placing a bait trap...
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    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic acid from APC.
    Worth getting a big bucket whilst you still can. It's a stable compound.