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  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Latest from Defra on YLH.
    Yes, but  hopefully not of establishment. Time will tell!
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    Sutty replied to the thread Latest from Defra on YLH.
    It remains to be seen whether vv can get established here, my betting would be "yes" for the far south at least, further north hopefully...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Hivebeat monitor.
    I'd be interested if it produced a frequency spectrum of in-hive noise. It does say it detects movement. I also wonder how it stands up...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic Acid.
    If half supported it then at £35000 it would take £35 each (for starters), sadly I don't see it happening, though I am a bit interested.
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    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic Acid.
    How many active members DO we have??
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    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic Acid.
    How many active uk members do we have?.....
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    Sutty reacted to Garry R's post in the thread Oxalic Acid with Haha Haha.
    They'll likely ban sales of rhubarb root next. I'm worried that I will need a licence to transplant a few roots in the garden.
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    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic Acid.
    When they realise strawberries are high in oxalic acid Wimbledon will have to get a poisons licence!
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    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic Acid.
    Bleach not so bad as strong acids, caustic pretty awful.
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    Sutty replied to the thread Oxalic Acid.
    Makes you wonder how long caustic soda will be allowed to be sold (strong alkali), much more hazardous to handle than OA!
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    Sutty replied to the thread Duration of Oxalic Acid on Bees.
    Done it once to populate a TBH from my national. The frames with brood & stores went to make a very full single brood into double.
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    Sutty posted the thread Hivebeat monitor in Beekeeping Forum.
    I've just had an email about this product, has anyone tried it or heard anything about it?
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    Sutty replied to the thread Honey room waste water.
    I was extracting today and was aware on clean up that some small flakes of wax were going down the sink, there was more on the new...
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    I read somewhere that privet is mildly toxic to bees, though I've also seen them happily foraging on it. Not much good for bees but I...
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    If you're worried re space for the bees you could put the already cleared and emptied box under the clearer board to give space to move...